EDiT giving away Steelseries 5H headset

Just register and read all about it in the newspost.


nice! i like spamming only crossfire thou.
What do you have to do?
Quote by Team-EDiTThis month we will be giving away a Steelseries 5H v2 to the most active user. The competition will start on 1st of Feburary and will end on 31st March.
This month we will be giving away a Steelseries 5H v2 to the most active user. The competition will start on 1st of Feburary and will end on 31st March. - yeah great many cF spammers will register

But then...

Posts that are counted as spamming will not count- oooooooh :((

big gift for "more activity"!
free headset for all the little loekinos out there.
nice idea :O
hf with your new headset
it doesnt mean crossfire, it means theyr site u stupidos :<
i understand stupidoz, but loekino is so talented @ spamming, that he could win it easily
rofl, how stupid can they be
too bad because I already have a headset
image: 11916
this is better
Anyway, that's just a way to get more useless activity.
I mean, everyone will say: NICE - LOL -GJ at each news. So fucking pointless
This is a call from the daark side. Pick up the phone now or you will understand the power of the dark forces.
A war is about to begin. You have asked for it.
What a strange idea, people dont see the funnies in randomly visiting a multigaming website which does not even have the decentness as crossfire does. Only retards will compete in this fucked up tournament -.-
how long till your signed up or are you just mad cos you were 2nd to know not first?

jk [=
Yeah mate, I can't wait till that headset is mine =D

Nah, but seriously.. only retards waste their time on such things.
yee totally agree
I don't think that they care about the sort of comments/users they will get <:D
So why do people like you and me even care to write on websites such as that? :P
Crossfire isn't a multigaming, because of the users and activity of them, CDC are possible. ^^
with a website like that I mean multigaming websites not community websites like crossfire :P
it will be bullshit anyways :\
izi bash for loekino
they didnt get the meaning of "activity"
Probably scares away the people who have a honest interest in your community ;p
dont need them...like...wont waste my time with this...
Loekino will win
Quote"This month we will be giving away a Steelseries 5H v2 to the most active user. The competition will start on 1st of Feburary and will end on 31st March."

that are 2 months imo :x
idd lol
This month they're going away a headset to the person who is the most active in the months that didn't even start, nice :P
nice but i have 5Hv2 usb already :P
the one they promised me? mr.vila :<
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