Danmark !!!! [DK]

YAY for ze European Champions in Handball.

Denmark DANMARK!

Final score:
Denmark Danmark 24-20 Hrvati Croatia

MVP (imo): Lasse Boesen
image: boesenpf9
Denmark is shit
medlicic had it in his hands for croatia
MVP: refs

gg denmark, deserved win

ps. referees f*** off and die!
this "goal" on the image shouldnt count..take a look at his left foot where it stands :-D

refs should more often watch this fault..
I know, they refs were shit in the final.
it didn't stop refs from making those kind of goals count for denmark and easily canceling ours where the players didn't even closely touch the ground
They were actually pretty bad when it came to calling people in within the goal field. Several times the Croatian attacker "on the line" (don't know what it is called) stepped into the field... where they didn't call it.
it was mutual, stepping inside the field, but don't then fucking cancel goals for one team and allow them for the other
I already said that the refs suck.

'nuff blaming the refs, just admit that Denmark was the best team in this tournament :)
i still dont get the rules of this sport :D can he or he cant touch the ground in the penalty area? now he clearly is touching it :D
deserved win for denmark, christiansen & boesen were definetly the best this day... but wtf was going on with Ivano Balic? he fuckin sucked today
he knew that we would pwn him , so he gave up from the start :D
He didnt find it any important!
he was fucking injured for a month now, played with dozens of blocks and he didn't even train before the championship, didn't u see how they bandaged his knee?
i did... and i know he was and still is injured, but he did a great game against france and his injuries didn't stop him there too

i think it's a pity that we couldn't see all his skills today, because he is one of the best players ever
he was beat up totally and it was very questionable will he be able to play for more than 20 mins total but he gave everything he had just to play
nice ref if this 'goal' was allowed lol, clearly touching the ground
never watched it :(
it isnt a real sport anyway
handball nation's sport #1? that's just sad.
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