pb lags

need help, my pb is laggin my game every second or smth. when I put it on dualcore (the game), it lags every few seconds, but it's still unplayable. I'm so fucking annoyed right now, had this before but it suddenly disappeared, but now it reappeared and doesn't seem to be going away. I've reset my pc, I've updated my pb, I've used the pbremoval tool, all not working, so plz, help me! :'<

ps. maybe the problem isn't pb, since it also occurs on non-pb servers, although the services are still running then...
cmon dude, srsly, don't reply if u don't have an answer, this problem is rly annoying and I want it fixed :/
hahaha xD
do u use wmp?
do u use hlsw?
does the lagometer go like this ___/| ___/| ____/| /with spaces between
instead of ______________
i had the same/have the same sometimes
i restart ET several times until its gone. i cant explain why....
yea that worked @ first, but doesn't work now anymore :/
sad to hear :(
I sent a ticket to pb.
I'm so tired of PB ruining my game, who the hell are they to kill this awesome game :S
I love their intentions (have the same intentions as they have), but if they aren't able to create a normal functioning program, PLZ let someone else do it. But hey, that's just my opinion ^^
oh the horror
update that hax ffs... : D
try set the et.exe priority to realtime in the taskmanager
it worked for me when I had those lags
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