Banned of Gamearena for raging lol

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And why should the Crossfire-community care?
They shouldn't I'm just saying that gamearena are strict u say fuck or shit and they will most likely ban you
And why should the Crossfire-community care?
I'm just saying that Gamearena Gm's pretty much suck and if you don't care i don't are that u don't care
And why should the Crossfire-community care?
Age: 13 ( 15 August 1994 )

Unexpected + I heard you hax.
Only people who say i hack are Kad and Forty and so forth who are just shit and thats there excuse for me being better then them
Age: 13 ( 15 August 1994 )
Age: 13 ( 15 August 1994 )
Age: 13 ( 15 August 1994 )
Age: 13 ( 15 August 1994 )
Watch your mouth then kid.

Swearing doesn't make you all grown up

Just makes you a little shit

they should do the same on cf
Zonji just stop posting for your own sake.
i feel sorry for the xfire community.

zonji has unleashed his retardedness upon you guys.

here comes the pain
you're shit..
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