How was your day at school today?

So I had 7 lessons today (2 Math + 2 Bible + 2 History + 1 Literature) and I'm a bit tired >;(
What about you? ;x
random p1c:
image: petflyingsquirrel
ask perfo
still waiting for his reply ;>
I made exam and then I came home :d
@ which subject?
german ! Mach das Auto nicht kaputt =D
IT is good sentence
why..i would break the car ^^
That was really important sentence in school 2 years ago ,thats why i get through my german courses !
wasnt @ exam
that girl looks hot
you sir are correct
I'm workign and the only thing I did was make some screenshots of websites to make a new sponsor deal for my boss, damn I wish I got those 9998 euro/year from that deal.
I had no school today
you had a free day after your game yesterday!

Well you deserved that free day!
i see no fin flag anymore :< it suits your name so well!!!!
i dont go to school :<
i'm too old for school
some schools in isr are learning bible
thats just stupid
idd and im not even :~>
Currently still at uni, preparing our presentation for tomorrows exam.
2x sweden 1x social studies 1x english 1x maths 1x social studies again :oD
exam @ 15;40 ;d
2x physical education, 1x german (:<), 1x chemistry, 1x biology,
2x maths (arithmetic progression, so I understand nothing :D)
2x physics
2x maths
1x english

8-13 8)
1x literature
you and Frenky are in the same class?
ic btw why the f*ck his nick is Frenky and his real name is Tim? ;x
kinda hilarious ah? ;D
oh and your real name is Loekino also? afaik
n1ce, I want you 2 add Hit Counter @ your profile pl0x! ;]
why not? even snoop and maus did ;D
as you want ^_^ just asked ya but nP
1st : Dutch , 2nd : Technix 3rd: Sports, 4th : Technix
5th Geography, 6th English

7nd and 8th, Informaticz
2 lessons of economical maths (which I skipped) and 2 lessons of swedish in worklife LoLz where I was on fire xD.
Only homestudies. 200 pages of Sociology by Anthony Giddens.
2 x physics
2 x maths
2 x driving home and eating
2 x sports
who cares about the animal, need pics of the girl
4x Physics
1x German
1x Dutch
3x Useless lessons about school blabla.
I have best hit counter on my profile ;)
1x Math
1x History
1x Science
1x Art Lessons
1x German
1x French
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