british legislation on drugs

tomorrow we have a class debate on drugs, my task is to give a summary of the british legislation on drugs, but its very hard to find apparently

if one of you british people could give me some info's you just know that would be great, a site with all the info's on it would be even greater :D

i need things like: when can they throw you in jail? how much do you have to pay? can you carry some with you for personal use?

this are serious thread
this are serious thread
need answers :x
Well,i was caught with a half ounce of cannabis and im up in court,i hope i just get a fine:[ .

Just google the drugs legislation for great britain.
next time, take hasj...its easier to hide and doesnt smell as strong as weed does and it doesnt look like drugs...
make poverty history CHEAPER DRUGS NOW

as Frank Gallagher would say
2 strikes and your out
You only get in real shit when you get suspected of dealing.

Personal possession is probably a warning or a fine or something. If you have a couple of joints you won't get thrown in jail, unlike America.
drugs are bad
thx for teh info :d
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