Best moment of your life?

if u have pic show us, if havent or simply dont want, just tell it with some sentence!
mine is:
image: squirrel
yes i had sex
yes i smoked weed
yes i tried alcohol
yes i have friends and go out a lot
but still this moment was the most fantastic (around July 2007 @ St.James Park)
Mine was.....touching a rabit!
winning eurocup



it was a dream
butchji looks sad :(
Greatest moment of my life started when I was born, and it will end when I die :F
nicely said :P
happypanda? noway :)
n1ce :) quotable
Sabine said me u r a dick when i tried to tell her u r a nice guy
My first kiss was the most fantastic moment afaik
cuz it was your last ?
KaZe - PM | Reply etc...

"LG ??,,!!

LOOK GOOD §§§§§§"

No comment.

Oh and no , it wasn't :(
recent comments :

ban GTFO.

If you saw the topic you'd say the same.


image: 8052_3098

Needs any comment :DD ?
Dire que je t'ai pwné en 3o3 toi , mhouahaha.
Quand stp :/ ?
Euh , environ 2 semaines je crois , j'sais plus. C'était 6o6 j'crois , et un gars à vous avez leave puis une autre fois c'était 3o3 enfin bref , c'était marrant :).
Je ne m'en souviens pas , dommage :(

De toute facon me battre sur ET ne te donneras point de couilles mon cher :((((((((((((((

Et de deux , tu seras toujours un abruti avec un comportement de gamin.


KaZe : ouais en turquie les males dominants ils ecrasent les insectes comme toi.

mais bon , ouvre moins ta bouche :D

Tu vas m'écraser car tu es un mâle dominant ? Reviens me voir dans 5 ans :(

Pardon j'ai oublié je suis un insecte , je te laisse tranquille oh grand mâle dominant de 15 ans.
Tu n'as pas compris en faite le sens de la phrase , c'est pas grave. Pourquoi remonter si loin dans le temps :d ? Peur du future ? Mhaouahaha , ++ ig mon chou
2 semaines , c'est pas dans le temps ça ?

Et en plus tu es plus con qu'un pied de chaise , super. :d
N'insulte pas les pieds de chaise stp :(
Rien de bizarre chez un pied de chaise par rapport à toi btw :d
Je sais , tu es tellement supérieur à moi irl que je rêve d'être aussi évoluer qu'un pied de chaise :(((
encore occuper de reply toi ?
Faut bien te donner un passe-temps.
je fais mes devoirs en faite :$
Je devrais aussi faire les miens , cba :*$
amuse toi bien :(
J'vais aller jouer sur ma 360 dans 10 minutes au lieu de faire mes devoirs je pense.

Je compte bien m'amuser :$
chanceux , à quoi :< ?
Dead rising ou assassin's creed ... J'sais pas encore :s
OMG Dead Rising , la chance -.-

j'ai vu des vidz il rox nan :< ?
Oui oui oui , du beat'em'all bien gore de zombies dans un centre commercial , c'est même pas moche et je l'ai acheté neuf à 30€.

Et , oui , c'est marrant de tuer quelqu'un avec un pommeau de douche.

j'suis trop pauvre pour acheter la XBOX 360 :(

( plutôt que j'ai pas envie de dépenser de la thunes dans un console )
Achète la version pauvre comme moi : Arcade

Pas de disque dur externe mais une carte mémoire , pas de casque/micro , pas de composites HD.

Mine de rien , pour des trucs plûtot inutiles , tu baisse d'une bonne 50'aine d'euros.

Ne parlons pas de la Gaystation 3 à 400€.
N'empêche on à l'air vraiment cons en faite. On passe de " je t'ai pwnz en 3o3 " , " ta gueule pied de chaise " à " ouais j'sais pas si j'vais acheter la 360 " , " baise de 50€ " blabla :D

Bref , j'vais quand même voir pour la console , Dead Rising m'interesse franchement. :d
"On à l'air"

Non , on est.


Edit : gl pour la xbox , brb dans 40 mins
Re \o/

J'ai réussi à tej ma maman de l'ordinateur plus tôt :))
ounaid la maman :d

vais dormir ;D

gn8 !
gn8 , moi aussi , p'tite sortie entres potes demain donc pas de crossfire , j'espère pas trop te manquer :))
the day i registered on crossfire
You could so easily bust his skull open. But I guess that wasnt the point?


Yes I have a computer
Summer of 2007 :)

EDIT: When I've got an invite to Kartal S.E. :) When i was 12-13
the day i registered @ crossfire ;]
like i care who said it 1st so stfu pl0x ;>
lol@u such a mature k1d 8D
where is the 1st picture made?
Oulu / Finland :)
nice place... we have thousands like that :P (i mean @ hungary)
Can imagine :)
summer of 2006!
Touching an immigrant rodent or first blowjob.. hmmm.. tough call.
The one on the left would've been an achievement, the one on the right is too ugly to be counted as an achievement :<
what about the middle?
In reallife the right is 10 times better ;P
I agree ...
She is really ugly. This one above was soo photoshopped.

image: 2007-10-12_16-36-36_28762

Well, different opinions ofc :P
o:, her ears, they look weird at this pic =D
Tell that Rhand!
so thats the left one? :D
Is this girl the same as the one on the right, or what? :x

If so, then it does count as an achievement ;-p
PLEASE, saöfjökasjfd! shes ugleh
no worries rhand, we all know you like the one in the middle.
He's actually really gay :) (The guy on the pic)
Indeed, if only he was bald. Nothing better to turn me on than a nicely clean shaven head.
gotta agree on that ^^
die alte ist so hässlich :§
nja..habs halt nur vom foto aus beurteilt :D glaub ich dir ma :]
dann sach ich ma: gratz ;p
image: 29085239ae2

and hi2u 8)
Mighty finland <3
8> should visit in Switzerland... in the future.. i have seen nice pics :o
=P sure thing
btw how are you nowadays little fellow? only fragging chicks or do you have anything BETTER to do? ;>
CoD4 all the way ! :D And you?
wasting my time xD
touched rudi völler
first girlfriends time prolly, before i realized all girls are sluts and stuff
poor boy's heart has been broken ? :<
just got my eyes opened !
hahah :D
You just gotta know the right girls ;)
Wow, you think Joss Stone is a slut? fuckin barbarian!
first time planing (..certain speed @ windsurfing)
U mean the right one from our pov ?
U failed >.<

The left one > right one
the day i met u
around 2004 on a cloud day @ "=FS= XP Save Forever"
dont think it was SF :P it was on <SS> public server with mery after >o< kicked me :P
the day i tubed my first wave <3
at Vieux Boucau (FR)

vieux boucau sunset (no waves that night):
image: vbsunset
didnt tube yet ( bodyboard ) .. still a pimp at it :D
tube is the best!:] (surfboard, shortboard)
tubing makes you feel on top of the world!!!!!
i did it with longboard. this year im buying a shortboard -> more speed, faster turns <3
hehe, did that the first time last summer @ france, got addicted and did nothing next to that all day (and in the evenings write philosophy @ my laptop xD)
nice evening...i was drinking beer...
prolly when i was too wasted to realise anything bout world or life..
my week in Rome last year was pretty nice. (may last year)
other than that, june 2007 probably
i finally wiped my own arse

every time i ve ludicrously risked my life and went out unharmed (or at least with no permanent injury).

1 cause i wasn t dead when i so often should have been
2 cause adrenaline > all

like this
image: 8dwpze2m

when i saw that lake in austria. just beautiful
i saw a similar lake in then spanish/french mountains...the weather was fucking hot and i was tired...i jumped in and it was FUCKING COLD!!!
lol, thought sleepin in one room with swine would be the most fantastic moment of your life :X
too bad
where was that? Think if been there too :)
"untertauern" somewhere in that area :)
go to canada... even beautifuller lakes =) but that one's nice too
oO wo isn des?
image: ziege
don't have any photos of my vacations to china on my HD
cutty + goatsex 1337 hits ! \o/
I provoked this kind of reply, didn't I? :D
3some with 2 fit girls obviously
and the day I said fuck off to my ex for wanting me back
xD revenge is so sweet
when i go to japan :>
When I for the first time kissed my love <33
didnt happen yet o:

instant orgasm ;)
actually it was coffee
iiyama monitor <3

EDIT: coffe
holiday lloret last year and the year before were great, party party party alcohol every day ;D
and seeing my " ex-girlfriend " from 10years ago ( i was 10 at that age so i dont know if i can call it girlfriend xD ) i couldnt get home cause the trains didnt go anymore at the time i lift so i stayed at her place and fucked her 3 times that night and morning, she was fucking hot :D
my travel to turkey with 2 friends in 2006 (: !

girls are sooo nice there :D
Forgot to take your glasses? :(
didnt get it :< !
if you took your glasses you would see them better and know that they are ugly.

btw don't shoot me i'm just the translator
nowayz !!!

he just saw the ugly ones !

i saw the best of the best np !
"btw don't shoot me i'm just the translator"
i hope i havent had that one yet
else live sucks
The moment I woke up at a terrace after a great holiday in spain callela.
when i won the championship of my federal state with my football team!!!
team spirit is the best thing you can ever experience
summer 2004
First kiss, throwout and graduationparties, and some of the trips I took are the best so far I guess =).
a lot of ppl says first kiss, i donno what i did wrong or what she did wrong (maybe coz we never again meet after it :P) but it was too usual for me :(
well actually my first kiss even was a french kiss with a very hot girl but still it wasn't really special, maybe because i was drunk so there was nothing romantic or smthng
just use srobot for frenchkiss , np !
too bad i don't have sroboten, my pc is running all day anyway :(
had my first kiss playing spin the bottle and I can't even remember who the girl was.. wasn't special for me either. :(
Could be that, mine was just awesome in about every way :). We ended up getting together aswell.
my last day of holidays in Hastings, UK, summer 2005.
the summer of 69
waiting for that :D
Best moment of your life?

Playing on ETTV! defeffefinitly
sqzz on the pic, nice
my trip's to:

South France


Football game with FC St. Pauli
doing a succesful wheelie with my motorbike in front of my friends
dunno, having speed, physically, like riding ski or doing 200 km/h first time (with the driving school car :D)
Spending 3 weeks in Tibet :]

image: dscf3199chezlesnomades5gn9
prolly the dream when i almost got pussy.... then i woke up ;D
the nights i spent at the house of my best friend with some other very good friends are unforgettable, its hard to choose the best moment ever tbh :)
The first time I saw that pic, so cute. x-)
10 years ago we had a great project in our city, we could build our own wooden huts, everything was sponsored.
by qpad ??
being able to surf when the sun was going down on some nice waves
On newyear when i passed out in a bush, puking all over my cloths.
dude you spent it inside playing , how can that be great :D
winter-summer 2007

image: img0341sdfsgsgsb6

image: img3566hl1
who cares about u
so far this new year and summer 2005 going around europe and australia
touche ;o
Are you a Sqzz Whisperer?

august 07 & i love techno 2007
meeting the girl of my dreams :)
i'm still waiting for the best moment of my life :p
Oh yeah, let's post you're best moment of your life on some gaming community. I'm waiting on the first comment which is about an achievement in gaming.
Sky diving and posting this
Taking my first E
Got lots of cool things but not stuff I would class as the best because every thought, moment and experience would be measured against that and ultimately you can get depressed about this type of thing.

- I was hit head on by a bus in the middle of Newcastle a few years back. I got up straight away and was completely fine (the bus wasn't going slow either). I got home and my mam after initially being angry reminded me it was the first anniversary of my Grandma's death and she honestly felt that it was some divine intervention and she (my grandma) was looking out for me.

Even besides that, the initial buzz of suffering something like that and not being hurt (there was a rip on my left shoulder [hoody] and a little scratch underneath where I had landed). Your senses feel so sharp and attuned it's unreal. Really felt invincible at the moment. I had literally caved in the front of the bus and snapped the the metal bar which was holding the two separate windscreens together.

- First proper kiss. Sex wasn't as significant for me, not sure why. Although it was nice I honestly remember this moment with more satisfaction. I remember how pleased and warm a feeling it's when you truly know you're making someone else happy. Which if you've ever met me in real life, you probably thought was impossible since I'm a selfish and arrogant bastard!

- I had switched school in my last year of middle school but was still in the same area - so when it came to sporting events etc I could catch up with old friends. I was running county level cross country and had decided quite early on that if managed to catch up with some of my friends then we would stick together and just sprint at the end, since the conditions were fucking awful and we weren't going to win irrespective of how much effort we put in.

Anyway, I catch up with two of them with about 1/5 of the race to go and then when we left the forest area you can the see the final stretch and people on either side waving and screaming for your to finish. With about 200-300m to run they started sprinting, but I kept composed since I knew I would tire (middle distance sucks for me), but I know I could've them on short distance. So I kept close enough without tiring, then I kicked in and overtook them and just ran like the wind. Having two lots of schools shouting and screaming for you to 'win' felt so good and the people that had already finished (above me) probably felt confused as to why I was getting more support. What made it even better was that it was in my old town and we ran next to the river and had Alnwick Castle in the backdrop.

- First sports day of my new school. I was in the highest year and it was the last race (4x100 relay). I was on the last leg and it was the first time I was wearing spikes. Our team had a great first and last leg, but the middle was poor, but our main opponent had dropped the battorn on the 3rd exchange which gave me an extra second head start, and I ran literally as fast as I could since I didn't know how far behind me he was me. Won the race (by some distance) and won the entire sports day on points because of our race win.

- Winning my first ever art competition and having an entire school proud of you (it was the highest ever finish, our school had ever had). Plus it was published in a magazine, which I still have to this day. I went to Alnwick castle for the prize ceremony and had the Duke of Northumberland present my prize.

- First time I went to Morpeth fair and had school friends come and watch me doing my Cumberland wrestling. Came 1st in the under 16s, 2nd in the under 18s (guy who beat me was very experienced and weighed almost 20 stone, nice guy though) and 2nd in the under twelve stone.

Another fair, where I had my granda's come watch me for the first time was also cool. That was probably my best ever event in the season and one of the most profitable!

- On the coach down to i31, I gave up my seat to a couple with a kid and decided to go sit next to an Irish nun, thinking she would let me read in peace. That wasn't to be, although after 10 hours on a coach to London I had met literally the most intelligent women I've ever come across and spoke about every subject possible. She had bought me a magnum (ice cream) when we stopped somewhere in the midlands and when we got off at London, she gave me money. That was the first time I think I've genuinely felt out of my depth when talking to a women.
Waited 28 secs for next respawn
1. when i met IsraelkAAZz on zeh internetz.

2. Trip to Tallinn to see United States of AmericaMetallica with my friends.

3. when i once almost had sex with a girl. but just almost. im still waiting for the one to come and feel sorry for me so badly that she could fuck with me.

you can take this comment seriously or not :P
driving motorcyle down a almost empty highway with abit of fog amd the sun in your eyes on a summer morning. Dunno why buts its just great.
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