when does spread change?

ok i just wanted to do a recap of all the possible causes which can affect gun spread in ET, and if possible how much it changes (numbers would be nic) and for how long etc.. one of my main doubts is if walking on the stairs influences spread since it always seemed like i cant hit a shit when im on the stairs :( what about walking up or down a hill? thanks for your attention!
i have the same thing.

sometimes on stairs, i am perfectly at a guy and miss all, while he PEWPEWs me
no spread/recoil/dmg feedback for me!
You are kinda god. Really!
yeah right.. as if you have a no spread hax
i was j/k since everyone is thinking that I'm a nC customer!
PMOVE_FIXED 1/0 is the only thing which can change your spread in ET
I know having it on 1, makes sniping impossible, but how does it change spread?
cg_drawspreadscale 2

when you turn, jump, shoot, prone etc
hey and what does this command do?
hAPPOLAPSI on 28/01/08, 23:25:34 PM | Reply

cg_drawspreadscale 2

shows ur spread while you turn, jump, shoot, prone etc

but on stairs etc. it wont help u to get some hits ,
i dont understand that scale, it appears when i lie down it becomes big and red.. this means obviousely: Watchout your spread is big!, but it doesnt always appear when i jump for example.. and it does if i shoot while im in the air but it doesnt show up like it does when i lie down or turn... and when i turn sometimes it doesnt show and sometimes just the turning can make it show... when does it appear? what is the rule behind it appearing? PS: when i shoot on a wall i see that the holes r always a bit to the bottom left of my crosshair! does this mean your gun shoots always a bit to the bottom right of where you shoot? especially on long distances this could have great effect!
drawspreadscale does not take in account the effects of shooting while airborne
the fact that bullets don't hit exactly on the crosshair becomes less and less significant at long distances, because the direction of the bullets is the one indicated by the crosshair, but the starting point isn't
oh thats funny! so this is probably just made to be able to see bullet lines
out of comments
also when I jump it and shoot it shows a small green bar.. but in reality i am shooting 5 meters to the right of where i aim .. what kind of stupid spreadscale is this i dont undeerstand it
Spread is at max when you shoot while not touching the ground, and won't return normal until you stop shooting or crouch. When you go down some stairs (or even a single step / bump on the ground) you are considered to be airborne between steps, so you get max spread; on the other hand you should get normal spread when going upstairs.
Other typical situations when you are not touching the ground:
- climbing a ladder
- swimming
- and of course jumping
This goes for smgs and pistols; for rifles the spread seems to remain normal when airborne

Additionally you will get max spread for around 1 sec when proning; this affects rifles too
thanks that was a very nice and clear explanation! how long does the spread stay shit after you ceased to be airborn ? for example on braundorf where you fall of the balcony on to the floor how long does spread stay shit?
spread returns normal as soon as you touch the ground and stop shooting or crouch, if you keep shooting a long burst that started when you were airborne the spread will remain high

however when you land from a high fall and hear a crunching sound, spread will remain high for a little more (should return normal when you can move again)
ha you know so much about this ! :)thank you.. so If I start shooting just a milisecond before I land and dont stop, when i land my spread will remain high untill i give my shooting a small pause? (btw would you know a script to show bullet lines clearly?)
Just crouch when you land from the jump and you should be fine :p
crouching even for a fraction of second restores the spread to a low value, that's why many players tap crouch repeatedly when shooting from a standing/running position
thank the lord jesus for crouching! and thank you! (And whatabout the script for bulletlineS? so i can see them clearly? like red lasers..)
cg_drawspreadscale "2" hf :)
that scale doesnt tell the truth its a shit scale
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