cod4 ranks

hi someone can teach me how to fix my xplevel to 55 coz is boring wait for the weapons :X sux idd
just bought it today and im only level 4 :( first fps i've played on a console too - got my xbox yesterday - so i succccccccck
< Level 9!

One of the guys I live with got it on the PS3; but aiming with the joystick is so difficult :x

I got it for the PC today and mouse & keyboard is heaven
haha pro. I was getting dogs abuse off of some 15 year old american kid today and worst thing was i couldnt say anything cos i really was shite. The game does rock but no way my pc could handle it - enjoy you lucky thing :P
I play on XP1700+ and 6600GT with 768RAM and it's more than playeble.

If your system info in profile is correct, 6800GT alone makes your system much better.

Remember, it's good old Quake3 engine with a lot of fancy graphic features.
the gfx card is pretty good but the rest sucks, had trouble playing ET for quite along time :< Thx anyway
thats cause ET is heavily CPU based, try cod4, maybe it runs
Have you surely turned all the anti-aliasing stuff off? It affects quite heavily in CoD4, at leas did for me.
I've not actually got COD4, i was pretty sure it wouldn't run.. maybe i was wrong though. Ahwell, got it for the xbox now, cheers anyway :)
made it two times to 55, its fun though war is even better :)

btw changing cd-key causes statreset, the only way u can get back your stat is, if you put back your profile directory and use the same key before
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