Mornings business...

After staying up all night to get two pieces of coursework in for 9am, got back and had a lovely breakfast, 5 sausages, 2 eggs and lots of beans! Plus, my next DVD came from LOVEFILM. I upgraded my account as well. Movie is 21 GRAMS. But most importantly, my new trainers came!!

Okay I'm boring and got the same shoes again, but they're very comfortable!

image: 2008013040449yw9
ugly shoe's :(
Bench trousers + random t-shirt + adidas shoes = sex on legs

you bloody ned! :P
Also got these, but don't wear them often (mine are sparkly blue not black though)

image: 1001919
hahahahaha those shoe's suck :P

muahahaha but really hey how are you mister :)
It looks like you dont have any left arm!! xDDDD
it must be like that!
finally you managed to remove your hair from your face
:( was a struggle. Was posing on webcam for like 10mins before deciding how to take this shot!
Really interesting morning I must say. Infact it was so interesting I demand you to make another journal tommorow about your morning! And if that is good, I want to offer you a fulltime job writing about what breakfast you ate and whats the newest dvd from Lovefilm!

This can be huge!
Like my cock and ur beard together? xD
Hehe. perfect match honeybun!
can i be part of it :$
finally i get to see your forehead.. n1!

now get me a TL account :<
i got same but just white with black stripes =]
they sux

my shoes atm:
image: boty_dc_017_p_z

image: boty_dc_018_p_z
Get a haircut you girl!

Since everyone is posting shoes..

image: newshoes
change the size of ur pic pls :/
It resizes itself once loaded so I CBA.
Get a haircut you girl xD
prefer white ones :p but those are cool too.
image: 51832_1

i wont buy white shoes next time
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