needz halp

basically my gfx card fucked up like blew up or smth so i put me old one in so i can do stuffs and installed the drivers but its like playing with a gfx card in a calculator or smth, when i open wow it says closing program because of unknown display driver

go, kill yourself [useless lowcomment]
Imo thats a sign from within telling you to quit wow :)
delighted you fuckin homo!

Edit : nice scarf to man I'm sure it keeps you warm in the winter, and remeber slash slash repeat slash slash repeat.
Hahahahaha evil and so funny! His scarf is extremly homosexual!
lol seriously mate, if thats a picture of you in your profile i dont think you have any right to try and insult other people lol, seriosuly whats the radus of your head ? 2foot ?
haha yea man the radius of my head is 2 foot.. SERIOUSLY LIKE SERIOUSLY!!
ask perfo
wtf you fuckers help him he wants him not people telling him to die and stuff!!!

tried downloading the drivers again?
Dont help that cunt!
reinstall windows, try other drivers, or buy new gfx card..
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