- invitations opened
30 Jan 2008, 13:09
Invitations will be opened for a short period of time. Each power user has 1 invitation and each vip user has 2 invitations.
I know there are many people who want to join TL, but due to closure of invites it was impossible. Well, now you have a chance again :)
I know there are many people who want to join TL, but due to closure of invites it was impossible. Well, now you have a chance again :)
download speeds are awesome. i've got a 8mbit connection and always download at my maximum - 820 kb/s
You must share! :P
thx <3
i asked for months, now i am happy with accs for all i need :)
Welcome back, ishaicohen [Logout] [Invite Someone 1 invitations left]
Ratio: 1.311 Uploaded: 352.62 GB Downloaded: 268.90 GB Slots: Unlimited slots
first ppl from jew land :(
but i already invited kaazz
worst idea of my life :~>
but i already invited kaazz
worst idea of my life :~>
2008-01-24 - ISRAEL USERS
Unfortunately it seems, that a few Israeli ISPs, are intensionally altering the announces to our tracker of their clients, announcing to our tracker false stats (over 8.000.000 TB of upload and download) in order for these users to be probably banned (and save some bandwidth). We made a script to automatically detect this false announce, and reset the user's account (reset uploaded/downloaded). Although this is NOT a fix, only a temporary solution, we cannot do anything more from our part, since this is not a problem of our tracker. We know that reseting these accounts is not pleasant, but the other alternatives were to ban these accounts or to ban all the Israel Golden Lines ip block (which unfortunately seems very possible in the future, since our tracker gets hammered because of the problem above)
Seems most of the users having this problem use the ISP-> GOLDENLINES
UPDATE: We managed to selectively block the fake announces on our tracker, problem should be solved
isr kids donno how to fake ratio =d
i thought them :^)
Welcome back, ishaicohen [Logout]
Ratio: 1.311 Uploaded: 352.63 GB Downloaded: 268.90 GB Slots: Unlimited slots
boy me !
Ratio: 1.389 Uploaded: 1.31 TB Downloaded: 968.95 GB Slots: Unlimited slots
Pm me for an invite with some kind of proof you're not a leecher who's gonna get banned in 3 days.
kaazz got invited
Ratio: --- Uploaded: 0.00 kB Downloaded: 0.00 kB Slots: slots
Ratio: 1.372 Uploaded: 110.15 GB Downloaded: 80.30 GB Slots: Unlimited slots
i've tried quite a few torrent sites, both public and private and i didn't like any of them as much as i like TL
anyway hes just faking it mates.
and cant login anymore.
cauz of inactivity - can i get it back?
anyone knows it?
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