plz mute the false cheater accusers :>

plz people f you ever see someone calling somebody falsely accusing a cheater mute him ok? and if he is being naughty kick him... because it is the worse kind of behaviour! there is a lot of people who r doing this.. either to make someone angry or out of frustration just kill em

for those not interested here is some goody (its very good aggressive house my fav atm and the fav of you im sure) its:
Raudive - Here
angry brumu @ bio this morning :)
i was the retarded fops called ihasahat ^__^
g3t 4 lYf3 n00B!!!1
Leol!!!11eleven Get aim tardFuck
I guess u underestimate the power of the huminised bot
falsely accusing a cheater sucks, but when its obviously its ok imo :)
i played against him some months ago on biO with a friend and there he was like 60 accuracy only hs u know, it was soo fucking obviously, nothing when you compare him like he was playin today, but still he owned everyone

cheater :<

ur a retard if you think that he doesn't cheat brumu :DDD
haha this is the guy who is retard.. eeveryoone who reads this journal take a good look at this gr0ss and if you see him destroy him from me plz.... its people like him im talking bout FUCK he says omg look at his accuracy and HS its a cheater!.. shut the fuck up man! let good players play good and if you suck stfu and learn.. dont whine or gtfo and go to noob server
Wind me^^
I mean -- you should buy a Wii
Just dont accuse in mainchat and its np xD
cheatin liek a bird
now that makes you a lolling human.! :3
im happy to know that i have triggered the release of neurotransmitters in your brain which made you laugh and be happy
Rufmord ? Du bist ja dabei gewesen - du musst es dann ja besser wissen... aber ich rede gerne in Themen mit, welche mich nichts angehen - np

sorry for ger, but in english i wouldnt understand
your destruction has started.. and by repeating what people said about you you wont stop it :) you will only help it into completion
dude whats your prob... shall i have to tell you the facts again...

1. played on bio serveral months ago in the morning with a friend - he connected - owned us - some guys connected - he owned them - they said aimbot, i speced him for a while and he was cheating so obviously that we kicked him... and believe me that im not that noob that i cant differ skilled players and cheater...
i connected this morning on biO and he was playin there again, some people said cheater, i speced him and he was NOT playing like some months ago, but i said that he is a cheater - one time cheater always cheater IMO :>
soo, this are the facts and when you think that he doesnt cheat cause you saw him playin today, its ok, maybe i would say the same if i wouldnt know him :< but i do so... :>
dude come on.. just between me and you.. we both know you r retarded! its ok just face! you have small ball and a pussy in between the balls... in there you keep your 5 cents coins.. take these out and buy yourself sweet strawberry chewing gum
oh no, i hadnt expect that your argument is THAT GOOD

i rlly tryed to explain you something and thats ur answer ? ok :)
hacker imo
lol i saw u on a public once ur acc was 78% with over 5k shots i was ur teammate and killed u all time
ur just poor RL tard
jojos kleiner bruder spammt xfire voll :D
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