More Guitar Heroz

We had some journal before about this guy

but in my opninion THIS Kid [!!] > That guy :o]

have a nice day
l'old pls this shit got posted at least 5 times here on CF =l
Ye i know about the guy, but that kid to? o:
O LOL, didnt check that journal, srry all xDD
especially the kid ;x
ye, i saw what nyyrikki said, im srry :p
ooh hallo
ya m2, need to cycle 12km trough it, for only one fucking exam :<
same, my hair hates wind! :x

en wtf are you going to do with that? :D

well g2g anyway for my last exam, bibuy loeki <3

btw, with what kinda players did you play yesterday? o:
olo just amazing
He's a fag! He is only using the colors! NO REAL ROCKER.
Not enough vids on utube to post I guess..
n3rD ;o
ye i noticed :p i though ONOEZ loekino and his mates, they must be to skilled for me

oja and i took the train :x
hows ure hair now? xD
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