Ideas for MY root server

I got a root server ( running debian ). I'm hosting several ET, CoD 4, vent and teamspeak servers and BNC's.. and I got Apache, mysql, webmin and all the standart shit installed. But I want to do more. ^^ Give me some suggestions!

AND I'm hosting a radio station + one of the coolest websites for wallpaper ( ) :D

thx in advance
Gimme a server.
gimme money and I will give you!
at least gimme some cool php scripts and stuff :(
run a mumble server!!!!

run some eggdrop bots!!!
I'm already running both. :<
you could always give me an ssh shell with irssi!!!1
+ webspace + domain & other stuff ?
not necessaries!

I'd just love to have irssi running on a shell acting as a BNC + a way to get on IRC from multiple locations, specifically places that filter IRC ports

I used to use my own PC, but now I'm on win a lot doing vid editing :'<
geif account with mysql database and some mb space for homepage stuff please =)
can i have a bnc ?
setting up a broadcast server for live broadcasts . . .maybe some nice sessions at elektrooos aka elektro.untergrund studio . .. electronic music and so on
nice wallpapers
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