ETQW:Pro released

woohoo, made my night/day/week/month/year/life!!
etqwpro is awesome
sounds like a newspost for u to write florian! support ur game!
I actually thought of doing that but as im quite tired, I figured that etqw has scene big enough so that someone can make news of such minor thing happening for the game.
im too tired :/ im sure swine will do it asap :D
yes florian ETQW is such a great game , pls make a newspost
surely more interesting than your vita
Is there any servers running QWPro yet?
that shit is hard to pronounce >D
| Features |
- New commands, have a look at commands.txt
- Aliases for commands to make it easier for players that played other
games before
- New server cvars to restrict the gameplay, have a look at commands.txt
- Command fixes like "ClientClass" for describing the different classes, introducing a simpler and easier to use system for creating for example a class script
- Fixed glitches when trying to enter a vehicle
- Automatic demo recording
- Louder headshot hit sound
- All players are automatically in the same fireteam
- Visual tuning commands, like the possibility to disable muzzle flash

| Gameplay changes |
- Pistol / Blaster spread decreased
- Gibbing is faster now, instant gibbing with knife/spikes when aimed at the head
- Spawn protection for spawning in spawnhosts is decreased to 1.5s
- Stroyent tool is now faster to use (half of the initial time)
- Pistol / Blaster spread decreased
- Supply crates no longer supply grenades
- Hitting the head with knife/spikes does more damage
- Removed radar of third eye cam and mcp

| Map changes |
- All GDF spawn times on volcano have been set to 30 seconds to balance the map.
- GDF spawn time for last objective on Salvage has been set to 35 seconds.
- Strogg spawn time for last objective on Salvage has been set to 15 seconds.

Nice job SpaceCommander
"- Visual tuning commands, like the possibility to disable muzzle flash"

yeah it's nice g_disableMuzzleFlash "1" ;DDD
holy shit, just tried it, it's goooood. the only thing I didn't manage to get to work was the spawnscript, it would be nice if someone told me how to use it correctly.
You think it could save QW? :P
beats me, what I know from playing it for 20min is that it's much better now =)
Good, I just got done reinstalling QW and Im downloading the patch.

I think I'm gonna check it out myself. ;DD
Seems nice, someone get it on a server already!
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