Cloverfailed (SPOILER)

I just got back from ze movie and it sucks donkey balls.

Some of the main reasons why I thought it sucked:
- Amateur camera work, worst ever since the Blair Witch Project
- Random monster which made me laught rather than frighten me. Reminded me of Kermit the frog..
- Actors straight out of Laguna Beach
- The ending is cliché, but luckily after that they die.

image: kermit
this movie already got bad criticism...its total crap.
Admin changed it to spoiler :> Could you give me one for my car too? <3
Erf, i wanted to see it :s
I was waiting for this movie :<

currently thinking about going to the sneak preview or cloverfield on monday :/
Greatest monster movie of all time. An amazing experience in the cinema.
Blair Witch Project was great :<
deine mutter ist great <o/
I have completely different opinion. The first movie that was so untypical and had another view on this catastrophe/drama genre imo. Actors weren't known, but they acted good.
I guess the untypical part is what people can like. I personally didn't^^
This is such a fucking great movie, you just feel as you are inside the action, great experience, must see for everyone
it's from j.j abrahams it mUST be great
in blair witch it was supposed to look amateur filmed, here the same. guess u dont like that :>
I dislike it a lot. It looks so amateuristic... :<
I downloaded it but it looked bad so I just deleted it
i liked it >_<

first of all the amature camera work is sort of the whole point. its supposed to bring a certain feeling with the film which to me it actually did..

also, at the end they arent rly dead .. if u keep on watching for the credits to end he says "im still alive" backwards lol :P which prolly suggests that there will be some kind of cloverfield pt2 or so =D

and also, a monster of this size will hardly ever 'scare' u which u aparently were expecting.. it wont because of the ridiculous size which ofc isnt realistic.. but still i thought the monster was pretty ace :P plus, these spider sort of things which were falling off of the monster were kind of scary imo :P

i must say though, that im pretty convinced that the movie will be crap to watch at home.. its a real cinema movie imo
I just personally hate that kind of camerawork, but that's just my taste. I didn't wait for the end of the credits (which I usually do) because I didn't like the movie anyway. Maybe if they change the camerawork in a speculated part 2 it would really help to make it more appealing to my taste.

It's not that I expected the monster to be scary, but atleast impress me. At the beginning when you see parts of it flashing by quickly I was looking forward to some more glimps, but the end result dissappointed me when Hud(cameradude) gets killed by the monster.

And yes the spider things were nice and scary, especially when one of them gets bitten by them^^
:P ye marlena gets fucked pretty badly lol ... when she explodes behind that thing =D

anyway i kind of agree about the monster at the end.. when it bends over Hud and looks him right in the face haha thats pretty ugly
i just got home from the cinema and i thought it was preety good actually.
I'll watch it on google video soon
just be happy that they found the camera otherwise we wouldnt have seen anything at all

and the whole movie gave me the feeling the director played hl2 (strider sounds anyone??)
Quotejust be happy that they found the camera

Greatest monster movie of all time. An amazing experience in the cinema.

fucking 2rd that!
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