xbox360 or ps3?

I'm thinking about buying a new console the day GTA IV is released :D

so what do you think? which one is better? PS3 or XBOX 360?

the blueray aspect is definitely a pro for the ps3, but xbox has more games and a better online platform...

hard decision :x

in addition - does anyone know if MGS 4 will be released on xbox? :D

ah yeah and which other games do you recommend?
updating my current system to a decent level is far more expensive than buying a console, and a console will probably last longer..
and? console is boring after a short time, imo...and it's too expensive to get games
You are a retard, sir.
and?`who cares?
who allowed u to edit my profiel? :x
go back to your console faggit
mgs question - HELL NO

edit: if you buy the ps3, obviously mgs4, assassin's creed, tekken whenever it comes out, SF4 whenever it comes out, mortal kombat series, crash bandicoot, final fantasy etc
it p0wnz :P
i posted a chart about those choises basically it was this

Do you like gaming:

Yes: Buy a PC

no: go to question 2

Do you have friends

Yes: go to question 3

no: buy a ps3

those friends online only or irl?

online only: buy a xbox 360
irl: buy a wii
Your chart sucked ass.
It fails in the first question/answer. No further elaboration needed.
i didn't made the chart but IMO it's quite right :x
you're too arrogant
Ps3 has loads of games comming out this year. If you really want to go for blue ray and mgs 4 then deffinetly go 4 ps3..
MGS 4 will NEVER go to xbox360. Sony has confirmed that.
Just like they confirmed MGS2 was PS2 exclusive and then it turns up on the xbox. ;)
PS3, will last longer than the shitty 360. :P
I would go for PS3 first, then Xbox360 later.
360 ofc stupid question

(I'll wait for the PC version anyway)
360 by a long way, especially if you want to play online.

One of my mates sold his 360 to get a PS3, now he's selling his PS3 to get another 360.
First of all noobs, this is a hard decision

If you want MGS then "sure" get a ps3

But enjoy the wait for playing the latest GTA as it comes out on the 360 first faggots
The release date is same on both platforms?
Yep, he's chatting shit. Although the 360 version will have episodic content and the ps3 version won't.
360, so many games + online :)
u make it sound like ps3 doesnt have online capabilities when actually it has and its free unlike xbox live
Ps3 much games comin this year! :DD
look dont listen to them atall

PC for FPS

then take PS3... why?! because xbox is ripoff, with ps3 you can use your mouse+keyboard+headset, blu-ray (hd is dying), install linux if u want and then use real msn and irc and other programs :) if not u can use java msn's and ircs etc, use and download videos to ur ps3 and watch :)

i already have demos of many games from online store for free too, and u can buy old ps1 games

... to do all this on xbox u must buy HD DVD (which is dying), use ur pc for downloading films like this (legal ofc...) buy a xbox keyboard pad adapter, pay for xbox live, pay for headset and more

freeview HD soon called "play tv"

ps home soon, much better than xbox live

yeh xbox has more games at the moment, but in 2 months, why would you buy a 360 ps3 will OWN it :)

mgs4, dmc4, ff13 + other exclusives, and the only exclusive xbox game these days is halo3, you can now buy GOW on your pc... most xbox games avi on ps3

the best game out on xbox 360 atm is cod4 and thats what every1 is playing... guess what... its on ps3 too

make your choice :) i guarantee u wont find ps3 online as fun as xbox for 2 months though, but in 2 months you wish u didnt buy 360 :)... saying that it really makes no difference if you play the same games as you would on 360 today :)

if u buy xbox, in 2 months you buy ps3
if you buy ps3, in 2 months you buy ps3 games

also last thing, if it breaks (which it wont) they replace it next day delivery when you call :) xbox takes 3/4 weeks with the RROD etc. hf gl
girls girls girls
get ps3
mgs4 wont be released for 360 not right away atleast maybe few years later =P
theres plenty of quality games for ps3 "no games" was a problem maybe 6months ago
oh and 360's red ring really easily theres guys that are like at their 5th 360.. no kidding
ps3 hands down
I think PS3 Will be good for you....
xbox is halo only
ps3 obviously
xbox service > ps service
If by service you mean Microsofts customer service, you are way off.
my 360 crashed and they post me a new one :)
xbox 360 why?
-Cheapest than ps3
-Better than ps3
-xbox have more games
-xbox have better games : ) (GoW,Crackdown,halo...)

or wait 4 xbox 720 and ps4 hehehe
I am surprised that no one mentioned that GT5 will only be released for PS3.

MGS4??? what is that?!?
Metal Gear Solid
xbox360 ofc :)
don't forget that you can flash the drive of the 360 to play "backups"
hmm but everyone who got a ps 3 tell me that it online sux
You are thinking of PS2 online >_>
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