Our Earth's defending itself

YouTube - Meteor Compilation
Here you can see how earth is defending itself from incoming threats. I say big it up to my main man earth since he is the one who made all this happen. It is up to us now to develop ourselfs just in time before the next big asteroid collision. As a matter of fact according to astronomy an asteroid or a lot of other cosmic disasters could happen any moment even the moment you read this journal simpy because our defense systems r so poor or because some cosmic disasters are just so huge it would be almost impossible to stop. So incase we dont survive the next second.. it has been fun playing ET with you ! cheers m8
now im scared, thx :'(
astrology? i don't believe in that crap
what edit! you must have been halucinating
I even remember your typo:
"asterology" :D
:( you got me
reminds me of maniac mansion tbh
made be bad dreams in my childhood about drowning in the pool :P
I was already an adult when it was released, so np4me =P
ah, forgot... you are almost 40 :O
almost, I had to grow up early u know
omfg we are all gonna DIE! (no bullshit!)
Cheers mate ! ;D
they are actually indexing all the asteorids that could more or less destroy the earth or atleast make it impossible for us to survive .. so i hardly doubt one of them could crash over here right when im reading this journal ;o)
they r indexing the ones they find. too bad the skies are so vast .. (and im not joking an asteroid could even hit us now i remember seeing an interview with an astronomer who provided me this information and gave exact numbers as to how much of the sky we r able to survey non stop and with what time prior to impact we can predict) he also said whilst im givimg you thi intervie an asteroid could crash right behind me
well its still hard to believe that with our actual technology level absolutly nobody (USA, FRANCE, GERMANY, CHINA, RUSSIA to quote some) would notice a 100km long asteroid coming right to our faces ...even more since, according to the documentary i watched a while ago, we are now, totally able to predict its path years before it 'could' cross ours
hmm like i said dont underestimate the vastness of space.. and detecting something in the last minute or last hours before impact is maybe possible depends how big it is the bigger the easier to detect, but im not lying and il ltry to find some information for you on the internet
this is the most important link for you


Undetectable Astero
Mars Impact Asteroid 2007 WD 5 | GEOLOGY.comids Could Destroy Cities, Experts Say

this is just some information which will show you.. but probably if I would look more you would see even more what im trying to say
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