@ Finland

k, well im working at finland and dont want to go home tomorrow yet so I need someone to take me to his place, pref known (I mean who I know, not generally), got no irc or msn here so a pm would be nice, working tomorrow from 08.00 am till 08.00 PM so im free after that and need someone to hang around with or w/e. Im @ Helsinki btw.
so just pmme
how about zurich?
streetparade rocks, have u been there? ^_^
nope :(
but anyway, i can hear it at my house!
k this year i come vorglühen @ ur house then :D
was awesome last year and i <3 züriiiiiiiiiiii, awesome city ^_^
are you swiss or german?
german, but its worth the trip for the streetparade ^_^

mis teed seal?
raha laniks.
how about bremen?
w00t claim u old skool bastardo. #1st.et
I'm at mystics place atm, visit us!
mtm is the new mystic!
(: vrzell mr lieber wie do bucket list ding isch. usführlich!
Quoteein alte neger (~ 46) isch automechaniker und weiss d antworte vo allne quizfrage, denn chunter irgend e nachricht über und isch im spital, denn gseht mer son typ (de bsizer vom spital wo de schwarz drin isch) im grichtssaal wo bluet hueschtet und denn au is gliche spitalzimmer chunt. denn erfahred beidi, dass s chrebs hend und no ~1 jahr hend, denn schribt de schwarz sone liste, schmeisst si denn aber an bode, de assistent vom spitalbsizer list si am morge uf befehl vom spitalbsizer uf und git si ihm. denn list er si, de schwarz erklärt em was das isch (bucket list - a list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket) und si mached all sache zeme wos no hend wele mache befors verrecked (fallschirmspringe, sones auto fahre, zu de pyramide ga, si wend no uf de mount everest, münd denn aber wege schlechtem wetter abbreche) und das alles isch kes problem will de spitalbsizer sau vill chole het. denn, wo de schwarz ihn will dezue bringe, di eint vo sine 3 oder 4 exfraue und ires chind z bsueche, bricht de spitaltyp di ganz aktion "bucketlist" ab, will er find, dass das nöd dezue ghöri und nur für de spass da gi seg. denn gat de schwarz wider hei zu sinere familie (sini frau isch immer gege die "bucket list" aktion gsi), wo ihn frau + chind + enkelchind erwarted. si essed znacht, und wo er + sini frau denn is schlafzimmer gönd, gheiter in ohmacht oder so. glichzitig gseht mer de rich spitaltyp, wiener elei i sinere übervilla hockt und probiert öppis z esse. de schwarz isch denn im spital, und de rich typ chunt verbi, chunt denn vom schwarze sinere frau en zettel über wo de schwarz gschribe het, det staht druf, dass er no spass söll ha i sim lebe und d "bucket list" fertig mache (all aktione mache). das machter denn au (z.b. "kiss the most beautiful girl in the world" (gat bi sinere ex verbi + küsst sini tochter)). denn bi de beerdigung vom neger haltet er e red, dass de schwarz ihm s lebe grettet heg, und das, obwohl si vor 6 mönet no "absolute strangers" gsi seged (punkt "help a stranger" uf de liste abgschlosse). denn am schluss gseht mer, wie de assisstent vom spitalbsizer d urne vo ihm uf de mount everest bringt und det obe lat.

glaub das wers öppe
eine unglaubliche sprache ;O
eine tolle sprache!
wenn mans verstehen könnte :P
so schreiben die hauptschüler bei uns berlin, weil sie sich nicht deutlich genug artikulieren können :)
What do you do here? Let me take a wild guess, you work at a construction yard for next to nothing.
come 600 kilometers north and sleep with me
only good thing @ finland are


+ some sexy girls
u r so rigth. here is so expencive and bars are 2 expensive... drinking "Kelkka" cost here 5.40e omgmgomgmog:(
i meant more the finish etplayers (most) but k ^^
name a few sexy finnish girs who play ET
Raveneye is sexyboyy... girl*
i didnt meant the sexy girls omg...
i mean that everything SUX exept the sexy girls and the dudesons

+ i said that most of the finsihs etplayers sux
u can count urself to this...cuz ur one of my mosthated players

<3 gn8
really? i thought skill level in finland have always been quite decent
yes because there are guys like tapsa who use/send cheats/forbiddn cvars and that makes many of them skilled....

but there re always some rly skilled players without hax

what the fuck are you trying to say?
sitä että sun maskuliinis koodaa
i know much but now i dont know nothing
wrong..if u know nothing u know something....

u want to know what u know ?

simple..u know that u dont know something...that means that u know how much u dont know and that means u know somethign but thats not much...
so smart.. my brains just explodet of that word worm
my philosphy teacher tought me that ^^
he must be somekinda japanise master thinker. im off now coz i got huuuge hedicksh from ur sexy think methods. i know my english spelling is all about perfet
nuh, finnish girls suck
Like you'd know. HA! :p
hehe, I know enough, trust me :)
open your eyes man! you spend too much time @ irc-galleria if you think that here in finland isn't any hot chicks.. or even some.... keep on wanking on russian hookers......................
irc galleria, lold... I'd never go there :D

Just hanging around, seeing girls etc, it turns out finnish girls aren't that cute as eg. swedish ones!
show me a pic and I'll reconsider !
I bet that there are few girls in finland which are ok even to mr.spirea
show me a pic of one that u think is ok
The Dudesons pwnz :dDD
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