
Need Cod4 key, wanna trade it for other game. If you need a game serialnumber, just pm me, I have many games (and no, I won't give you random online shit).

Also I can do some graphics for you, or just request something, and I'll look what I can do, I just rly want that key ^^

Thx in advance ;)
what games do you have ?
oeh oeh i has a cod4 key ^___^
pls cut your hair PLEASE u looks like a gay. :(
you talk like a retard
ooh i got one hhahahaha
hello oli, how iz you? =]
finy finy :p
i dont have one hahaha
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Can't you have your rock star dad shell out a mere € 50? Get a job.
you can get it for like 13 eur in estonia : D
awesome , isn't it :XD :XD :XD
frop @ good mood :|?
Just think you should actually buy the few games that are worth it instead of begging for keys (just ask decem).
Actually I wanna trade it for another key, saves me 60 euro's or smth ;)
60 euros which would be well spent on a good game. The guys who brought you CoD 4 deserve it.
agree tbh <3 well i don't <3 you just your opinion.
i am listening to Angerfist atm and i am actually quite fine, chilling and stuff, you? <3
OMG APOKALYPSE :( i am bored now a lil bit, what shall i do?
spam me on msn pl0x
where can i find photoshop tutorials about editing photos/correcting colors/blurring/blac&white shit and etc?; /
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