Black Problems!

Our black guy OVIE his mic suddenly stopped working.
It has been working good for a few days / weeks / whatever, but when he turned on his pc again and wanted to talk all we heard was a buzzing sound.
We can hear his music and stuff, but we can't hear his voice.

He is using VISTA !

Things he tried to solve the problem:

-Install newest drivers
-tried other headsets at that PC (didn't work either)
-Selected the button @ microphone

He also tested @ a other PC if his mic works fine there and it works fine.

Please help that nigga so we can hear him again!

not really he didn't ask me to do this...
It's just annoying if he can't speak during wars and it's boring if he can't talk.
untick "mute microphone/binds"
you speak european ;o
like we care about black problems lols
hopeless nigger, I give him 50 euro cent!
Seems like his pc has a racism problem.
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