computer issues

the last 4 days my computer has randomly restarted when im playing games such as cod4, css and even et.
my computer doesnt feel overheated and i dunno what the problem could be.

help meh! :O)
hi nordan!!!! Sorry , dont have a solution ::):)
i got the same shit
Disable automatic restarts on critical system errors and then post the error message.
Did you install new drivers 5 days ago? :x
ask perfo

power supply
i changed power supply 2 weeks ago since the last one got burned, dont think its that.
ok last time i got same problem like u and it was that but u never know :)
Sure u got enough Watt?
ask skaterboy perfo
check your temperature of cpu and gpu
stop palying rose online L1O!OOOLLO!
power supply or temperatures
Well, when a system overheats, the PC usually turns itself off. When a system is just restarting, it can be a number of things. Software conflicting, hard disk discrepancies and a few others I've experienced as well.

The first to do would be to check for overheating. Your BIOS will give you a reading for your CPU temperature and if you use an the software that comes with nVidia drivers to check your GPU temperature as well.

Hope it's overheating, otherwise, you might have to put a fresh install of your OS on your system and that may not even fix the problem.

Personally, when I get systems switching off while playing games, it's only really one game that does it. When a multiple of games do it, it's usually overheating. Don't quote me though, every system is different.

Check temperatures and give all your fans a good clean. You can then move on from there hopefully.
what pedo said.
i have the same problem, and it's not overheating, random restarting when listening to mp3 in stuff... and i doubt it would be virus activity
or might be just RAM..
Replace the old ones with new :/
du måste formatera the whole shiet >:)
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