We need a new map!

Yes, we need a new map tbh, old ones getting boring.
I can do mapping, and also concept drawing, only not scripting, so if there are scripters in here who'd like to be involved in the creation of a new presumably competitive map, please apply :)
Also, other designers and mappers are welcome, can use all the help.

Any1 has any ideas for the new map? (theme, setting, indoor/outdoor, etc...)
What would you like the most? :)

PPL, if there will be no new maps, this image will become a reality really soon! :<
image: qn4bdd
Spree the emomap?
indoor only would be fun :O
was thinking the same, only 1 problem then, no artying and stuff, which makes it not to be played @ competitive level I guess :<
what happened to o2xygen's new map?

also snake is doing some map afaik
hehe, the more souls the more joy right?
I think new map(s) would be a good idea. I don't really know why so few new maps are accepted in the competition. Maps like odenthal aren't that bad :p
odenthal IS bad, trust me xD
every map with the feeling like you're huge and moving fucking fast is standardly instant fail ^^
and u need a new hair style xD
but true ..
Spree wilt een mes :<
snow textures, 10 different ways to main objective
so brilliant maps already made, like sos_secretweapon, cathedral, dubrovnik, beerrun, special delivery, etc, lots more too

people still seem to want to play goldrush for some reason :|
neverheard beerrun?? show me!
beerrun is really cool tbh, but not rly a competitive map imo
i hope your joking
niet! I really like it :)
have to agree on oasis, 1 of the best maps ever tbh
make a map where u need to rescue hostages :=)
lol, maybe, but that wud be rly hard to script / animate afaik ^^
I have lots of ideas for maps. I have mapped in the past, but never got more then a tj map with snake (xtremetricks_b1). Want some ideas for maps pmme, zey are rly rly nais!!!
Also, if you need scripters, you should ask on splashdamage.com. Lots of mappers on there.
railgun spring version !!
indoor "rtcw like"
Maps like Supply; Braundorf and Adlernest are great success. We need some similar maps but different objectives.
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