TLR Sheep drunk

I got demos of it , and ready to sell.

Starting price : 200 internets.

[It's just too fun to see him cross half of supply with a needle to revive an engineer , getting shot and revived like 3 times]

[Also seeing him tag up as TLR saying "IMA SHEEP TLR IM FUCKIN GONNA PWNSSNS YOU BITCHSDS" is priceless]
gimme 100 € and i ll watch it


wtf is with ur chuck norris profile :o
z0mg upload plz i care so much since hes highskill player and he has real life because he is drunk! PLZ UPLOAD IT!
make a movie bout it :D
I don't get it why u always have to write the TLR in front of sheep, as if there were many sheep :D ?
Ehm there are lots of sheeps in the world.
If the title would've been "sheep drunk" it could've been any sheep!
so true.
It could be this sheep: image: sheep

Or: image: sheep

Even this sheep: image: seamour_sheep_wedstrijd_klein
I doubt ET players know anything about teh real world... they only know one sheep !
There are also people who don't play ET and visit this site ;-p
and they know about RL any more :o ?

It tells something about a person if he visists xfire !
so cool.
B carefull, Joran vd S can make it dissappear.. omg conjo :)
no thx .
just ul it lil biatch ;D
who showed u this evil words :o

lalal..schneeflöckchen weißröckchen
kewl <thx for info pic>
oh dear oh dear oh dear
lal :p (your on the same vent as I am :o)
oh yes thats rly priceless

image: 1-c2f7bec9869b1dc4
i have vent recordings np4me "im TLR sheep i poon noobs" :D
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