GG cod4 :/

Lost all my rankings n shizz, any way to get it to the old configuration again?

Random pic:
image: selfdissft1

I just dissed myself, and I actually took time to make it, I'm rly bored ;/

Edit: Ok, read that if u wanted to backup you needed to copy the profile map, but too bad I didn't do that b4 I tried to change the serial number ^^
Am level 25 in 1 evening again though, izibash, although tomorrow I'm going to buy the game so I'll start all over AGAIN! Oh no, w8, can copy the profile map... I rox :D
cod4 is dead care PLs
i read about how to get it back somewhere
ruipperi totally destroyed your self esteem
Dude, there are enough hacks to get u to level 55 instantly.. Its stored in your registry not on some global server.
That's really nice you philosofic-thinking-child-saving-son-of-a- 60-year-old-rockstar-nazihater
Take that back or i'll sue you
i thought my pc had chickenpocks when i saw the pic
cod4 levels are so old
dont play pub
save ur mpdata file next time..

you can do a rank hack, i.e download a full 55rank mpdata, enter the cdkey, load cod, change cdkey bacak to ur one
gief link, my stats were reseted again aswell, I dont play pub but when I do, would be nice to have those levels.
cheater cheater cheater !!!
easier than getting skilll!!!!!
you are funny
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