i installed 3 days ago my new gfx in agp 4x slot, an ATI x1650 pro agp, and it all was fine, and now i get these weird red lines all over my monitor, and also everything seems to be fucked up (crashes etc)

i checked the cables from the monitor to the gfx and they are fine, and then i reinstalled my previous gfx which now works fine (geforce 2), so its not the m/b/agp slot

i also hear these strange noises coming from the fan of the ati card when i see these red lines.

the question: does this thing with new graffix cards have to do with the power supply?? (which is 450 watt and my card requires 350 W)

and why not work after 3 days?

my specs:

1 HDD 320 GB IDE
pentium 4 @ 2 ghz
2 x 512 MB DDR RAM @ 266 mhz

also, when i had geforce 2 i had a 300 w power supply and everything worked fine with the same specs, i changed the gfx along with the power supply

help me, im sadpanda
foshooo temperatur problem . . .maybe check also teh outgoing power delivered from teh supplie
your card sucks
i dont know a shit in pcworld
I think It has something to do with the cooling of your gfx card.
I had exactly the same problem and fixed it by:

- plugging the card out
- clean it totally
- take off the cooler
- remove the cooling paste
- add new cooling paste
- add cooler
- plugin
thx i ll try that. but now i think that the power supply has something to do with it. im inexperienced and i donno whether 450 W is enuff for my specs
450w is WELL enough, its an overheating problem for sure, the noise would be your fan slowing down or not turning correctly, which would then cause the gfx card to overheat causing artifax (red or blue lines) on your screen.
thx for your answer <3
what PSU do you have exactly?
it's probably not the problem but asking anyways, it's heat most probably

are you sure those weird noises are coming from the fan and not the coils / circuit board or sth?
some 20 euro PREMIER. well it was in a box atleast =)

i only hear the noises when i connect the ati card. personally i dont really see why it should be the mb that causes the problems, everything seems finely connected when i open the case, so my guess now is that the gfx is overheating. thx for your reply
who said anything about the motherboard?
i meant the coils / circuitboard on the videocard
try changing the fan speed and see if the noise changes.
if it is the coils / circuitboard then i dunno, usually they buzz or whine when running high-fps 3d like over 1000fps and should be quiet regularly.

if you bought the card return it to the shop
Buy nVidia
maybe you got a dead on arrival graphics card, let the card check at your dealer.

for sure theres a cooling problem, maybe rams broken.
450w should be enough... Guess its a cooling thing, I've been getting same kinda stuff when I overclock my card a BIT too much :D
i'm a fat nerd
long haired perfo? xDDDD
(hi spree) xD

Check if the fan works on the videocard
i had the same when 9600 didn't work on Duron 1000! But i highly doubt about that in this case cuz your specifications aren't that bad. Did you overclock it or something? if not its probably broken. Try it on different PC and if you will notice the same go back to shop and try to get new one.
oky ill do that thx =) and not its not overclocked
could be that the PSU doesn't provide enough voltage on specific signal lines as it's often the case with cheap ones.
thats rly facking boring to know
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