I am Legend (movie)

Yesterday i watched 3 movies and one of them was "I am Legend"
(few wordsd about this movie)
It is sooooooo fuckin boring movie .. i had almost made a short sleepybreak in front of my pc.. There are few action which i liked it - .but mostly scenes were just made in wrong way.. There is 40% of the whole movie time when noone says anything and it's getting fuckin boring..
I really can't see any good part in this movie :[ ..well this is my opinion but I still can't believe that this movie has been rated so high (IMDb page) Rating: 7.3/10 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0480249/

discuss x]

oh ye,.. i really don't suggest to watch this movie :b
I AM LEGEND_ was an "ok" movie, im probbly gonna watch rqmbo4 tonight ;)
agree with you
since 7.3 is high ?
this movie should be rated worse than 5 :F ..Will smith made this rank so high :/
idd, he s hot xD
you fucking homo!!!!!!!
I dont know, i would give a 7 (only for the effects).
don't whine, who said it would be another super-mega-horror-action-thriller movie? it was ok like it was, not too much action but more dramatic
i actually liked it a lot. But youre a russian
I never said my engl1sh r0x x)

Expecting dialogues in a movie about the last man in NY is a goddamned failure.
I second that my german friend
if you had been watched it in a cinema, you would have changed your mind
I saw it in the cinema and tbh, I think immoo is right. Didn't like it at all..
what is a good movie in your oppinion?
prolly Spiderman 1
well its not bad actuly
so pretty mainstream :]
transformers is a silly movie.. apart from the hot girl xd
gone baby gone is gay
able to speak more than one language?
his whining is more than perfect!
If you count cuntish and bullshitism as languages, he does :DDD
true they blame other ppl their english but they cant even talk another language xD
Terrible movie.
I liked it, though I expected more from it. I liked the part where the window dummy was moved! And the part where the creepy vampires or w/e are sleeping in the building :p
+ending sucked
immoo ti si smesn...
no Slovenian words .. or Sol gonna ban you bibuy :o)
ti sment ti!
agree, book is better!
Hate Will Smith, I dont find him funny at all, he is not himself and everything is set by the makers of the programmes. For example Prince of Bel was all set up, he never acted like that, always moaned about being underpaid etc...

Someone like Jim Carrey is a great guy and a great actor because he is actually like that in real life.

Also another one I hate is Johnny Depp, just why? He cant sing nor act. He has to pretend drunk in almost all of his movies. Why because he is sh!t tbh lol
Actors playing a character that is not like them in real life is more impressive,if the acting is good ofcourse.
True that but... Like you already said, if they act good :P, and my opinion he don't lol.

I went to a drama and acting school, most of the students acted better than him lol.
Im not defending any actor that you mentioned,just telling you what I think is more impressive. :p
And thats fine :), thanks for your opinion :). We need some fresh new actors to hit the big screen don't you agree? Since they are all getting old now lol. I mean rambo,I Am legend, rocky, they are all actors who played in 1980s and such. New new new new new!! :D
I dont really watch a movie because a certain actor is in it,I pay more attention to the story of a movie.

But maybe some new actors would be good though.
Ahh I understand what you mean :P, if only I could do that I think I would enjoy movies so much more :).

Favourite film would have to be Idle Hands (probably because of Jessica Alba)
will smith is FTW! su! and lol so fucking true @ johny depp :P
Kevin James > *
I liked it :/
lol, nah infact I love How high, i prefer black comedy, boys in tha hood is bad ass film also. I dont know he is just annoying lol, he is a faker :P
Black Comedy != Comedy with blacks in it.
He is alone in New York. Who can he talk to?
#1 to himself
#2 to his dog
#3 to the wall
#4 to the joint
#5 to the glass filled with whiskey
#6 to the zombies
#7 to god
#1 to himself
#2 to his dog The dog dies.
#3 to the wall
#4 to the joint No weed avi.
#5 to the glass filled with whiskey
#6 to the zombies The zombies can't talk.
#7 to god - Something he belives in.
wtF ???
No weed avi ???
/cut wrist !
su man..u cant speak perfect english urself and its ur native language :S.. noLife british boi
shh everyone, an expert is commenting!
I cried when the dog died :(
boring remake
able to speak more than one language?

I liked the part where he killed his dog :D:D
u must be a retard
same here movie sux
imo it was a quite interessting movie, not this typical "i save the world with my M16 and rocketluncher and fuck a hot random chick"-movies, just something different. i enjoyed it
It was awesome imo. It had a unique flavor to it :P
But I can imagine why people don't like it. I personally loved the movie ^^
and don't tell me that you like Hot Fuzz - the shit movie ? :D
that movie is good only in the end, when the shooting starts :p.
haven't seen the end since i've felt sleep in that part :p
cool movie
I didn't like it either
There is no talking for ages because he doesn't even find anyone until 3/4 through the film. Plus the book it was based on had relitively no action in it.
Seems like you just like things blowing up rather than a good story line
waki is still online, hallelujah!
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