prison break 11th

imo next serie (12th) will be the best/ many questions will be answered

cant wait :(

yes idd

11 was very exciting

im looking forward to that.
already seen it!

The black guy will have sex with the girl from the other town.

The white skinhead will jerk off in the shower and got busted by one of the prison's guards.

The little girl will die of aids.

aids is not funny :<
it is, i have aids and i laugh at it
you must have lots of fun having aids.
Can I has it too?
no its private only, but you can buy it from
what's the price? Meh want aids t00 :(
the price is a poke in ur ass by pansemuckl
Only 2 more to go!?!?!
was a pretty good episode.

looking forward to the next one(s)
idd never been addicted to a tv thing as this before
there's only 1 thing i like better and that's

Avatar, The Last Airbender

i wish episode 14 would come already. been waiting for weeks
ye, great episode
the fisherman can't fake to be angry
the new actors are way worse than the ones in S01, hardly enjoyed the 11th
hope they all blow up on some random mine while escaping
can someone please explain what the fuck those coordinates whistler is supposed to figure out are?
and PLZ , ALEX MAHONE PWNS ALL , with his special force training shizzle he can kill your ass in 2sec :D. I had always been looking forward to mahone and schofield working together.. they pwn ^^
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