Hello Hello (headsets)

How r u all ? allright ?

I'm looking for nice headsets ,both for gaming and music (comfortable as well)

Sennheiser PC161 <---- will that do for me ?

or maybe you have something much better to recommend on your mind : P

thanks for any help as I've never had anything more serious than headsets from Poundland (everything for one pound shop,about 1,5 euro :P )
Sennheiser ftw !
I have to say i got a great set of advent for 10 euro,very comfortable and nice sound,from pc world.
Where in the world? Pc world.
it's not about the money though ... it's about the name : P

(in christian religion ADVENT is a period when god reedems your sins)

have i sinned so much that I have to go to PC WORLD ? :P
(cracked sense of humour :P )
Don't buy anyting from PC world EVER!
Ye well im a bit of a computard so...but thinking back now i got my computer on the drip so i should of got top of the range everything,or even got some stuff and sold it for cash!
Cause i only pay 30euros a month or so...
From what you can get in PC World, you could get a MUCH better computer off the net for half the price! I got my very first pc there, Did you get insurance with it to?! That's a complete con, my sister and 2 cousins were managers there they try and push insurance cause they get paid commission for it! Same with Dixons to!
Ye i paid for the insurance,but it was cancelled out when i took shista off and installed xp =] .One of my mates can build computers,hes quite good but alot of shit seems to go wrong with them.
yea i've built 2 now its pretty easy like, although I have got some really stupid problems! but all in all its pretty easy!
it like only fits in 1 way so how hard can it be? :)
Well you have to know where to put the parts.S1x i dont know how to send an e-mail how do you expect me to build a computer?
I know was talking about when jumpers/cables etc :P
i've made 3 PC's ...with 1st i was shitting my pants ..2nd for my sister (cheapest possible) ,and this one in UK .

Something died in my first one after 2 years ( power supply i belive)
but it's in poland so i can't check,second is ok and this one is 5 months old maybe.no problems so far.

Buliding a PC these days seem to be easy , might be more difficult to change cooling system or smth on GPU CPU or water cooling :)

I M O : >
Sennheiser ftw !
bose quiet comfort 3.its worth anny cash!
bose is for bosses : )
or very angry people bose means angry in dutch
: > Hose Antionio Maria Bianca ..
whos that girl in your profile
ive just been in town ,in CURRYS DIGITAL,i asked them if they can get mi these pc161.Refused .... they said to check in PC WORLD

ive just been in town ,in CURRYS DIGITAL,i asked them if they can get mi these pc161.Refused .... they said to check in PC WORLD

my girl : >

ive just deleted my photo ...it was a bit out of date
she is really pretty :D and reminds me of someone in the past but i dont know who.. anyway hf and btw.. i have sennheisers hd 201 the cheapest ones.. and they r ok i dont complain, but maybe thats coz I have nothing to compare them to anyway good luck
thanks mate :) you too take care
yes i know .sorry for this :< but its raly good headsets.i sell my kidney to buy them :D .annyway nice girl in profil :) .cheers!
Beyerdynamics DT 234 pro is my favourite so far.
very abstract name ...googling
Beyerdynamics aren't very abstract ;)

I liked the DT 234 pro from Beyer way better than PC-161 from Sennheiser. As far as I remember, there's no headset near the quality of the Beyer in it's price range.
I had some reviews of the dt234 vs pc-161 I think somewhere, I'll see if I can find.
have they got a normal PLUG JACK ? or you need converter to stick them into PC ?
It uses minijacks.
Unless he's hung like a horse, I'd concede defeat...:{
how do you get that pict m8 :D
nie tak drogo : ) tylko czy znajde je tutaj w angli ? :P
tego to Ci nie powiem , musial bys poszukac . Ja uzywam ich juz od 3 lat i zdaja egzamin , jak na ta cene naprawde warto :)
me has a TRUST headset

rly nice one and not that expensice ( 50€ 3 month ago)
good decision!
you seem to know a bit about them Sir Tony...are they any good if it comes to chilling out with music : >
first i had a Plantronics DSP-500 and i thought it was a very good one, especially for gaming. Then i won the sennheiser @LAN and i recognized how big the difference to the best can be ;)
sennheiser is deluxe imo ;)
I just bought some Sennheiser PC161's the other week really nice headset, comfortable, nice sound, clear mic.
I almost bought X-FI fatality for 110 pounds .... almost .but then i found them for 80 on web !! what a rip off.

btw once i bought a wireless recevier for 60 pounds NANO+ top notch just to check if I had any unsecured network around my flat.
Unfortunately i did't so I just returned it to them , and got back my money :D:D device was scratched but who cares.
Good place if it comes to refunds .... but they are not professionals.

But they do a good LCD screen wipes though : D
SteelSeries 5H V2, IceMat Siberia, Sennheiser HD595, any good Audio Technica headphones.

Any of those should do.
why the pc161 haven't been mentioned on ur list my friend ?

oh and btw : could you name a safe and quick online shop (possibly one which dosen't require debit card as a way of payment )
Online shops either require Paypal or a Credit / Debit card.
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