joran van der sloot remixxxx (dutch)

Okee jongens hij kon natuurlijk niet achterblijven, hier de enige echte Joran van der Sloot song met als beat de Boten Anna beat.
die gaan we dan maar ff beluisteren
image: cat1

ps: deze is wel het beste die ik gehoord heb ! :P
Hahaha wel vet man serieus :D
this is funneh
haha ik hoorde 'm vannochtend ook al :D
nice try maar tekst = fail, veels te veel herhalen ;/
they didn't found here, but the stupid fuck admitted a story about here
It was just a media hype by our very own private investigator Peter R. (arrogant cocksucker). Nothing solid, just a 'confession' taped by hidden cameras (most likely won't hold up in court anyway). He was prolly bragging to impress his (undercover) criminal buddy.
Loekino taught me that saying "kanker" is cool. So, kanker!
aids is even cooler
Cool, so if loekino tells you to die, you die?
maar die is lelijk behalve .. i wanna have sex on tha beach.. en natuurlijk patrick de zeester! +1
lold :D
beter die zwolle shit
Hahaha, hij is wel goed :D
hahaha ik vind hem vet :P
Well then please tell all the retards who adore you to die please, less spam here ^^
hahaha dees owned xD mademyday!
lol where can I buy one xD
lol I was trying to be sarcastisc but you can really buy shirts with his head on it xD What a joke!
omg nice veery nice
haha nice
Hahahaha te mooi jongen
lovely :)
Hmm, it sounds like there are playing 2 soundtracks at the same time :D
awesome song
haha hoorde m met rijles ind e auto :p .. lache man !:p
Ik wist toen ik die uitzending zag al dat dit liedje gebruikt zou worden..:\
fucking geniaaal gewoon
Roffel serieus goed nummer XDDDD
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