just kill yourself and it will be all over
Parts of this community has always been immature.
Really strange. I'm out of clues here!
atleast you still have me <3
gunar you metterfekker how are you doing? <3
I guess the point of live is not to give a rat's ass about those who hate you, since there's probably nothing that can be done about it. If someone hates you there's no point in reasoning with them, therefore there's no way to end the hostility.
that was so fucking beatiful
Quotetherefore there's no way to end the hostility

Kill him.
omg, maybe I should apply this rule to my own lifestyle, damn man, never thought about it this way. I get hated by a lot of ppl as you noticed here on crossfire (not in real life though).
some act very cool,but in rl are pussies/farmers (efax)
The community is very closed, and people have known each other for years (even longer for the RTCW guys). So naturally, it eventually brings out the worst in people.

I think most people, either love or hate their own national community and this influences how much time they spend with other players (from other nationalities). I think I've only ever played in a team with more than 2 UK Players, once.

If you piss off the wrong kind of people, you tend to feel it a lot more than you would in a larger community. Though I'd think you would be hard pushed to find anyone who really hated someone else. People have a public persona, and a way to act in public, most times they're completely different when you speak to them in private, myself included.

This is before even mentioning the obvious - internet + kids = mess

- - - - -

Some people are just a nuisance for the sake of it, personal entertainment and what not. I mean if someone said they honestly hated me, I'd find it quite irrational and weird considering that I don't really know many people_REALLY_well. People tend to exaggerate, and open their mouths too quickly.
It's all about the f(l)ame.
Fame is the thirst of youth..
"Your emo level today is: 78%" !
Want your emo level to be even higher?

Go and buy some razor blades.
You answered your own question, try to think outside the bound of the rules that have been set up in your mind.
Well, on this site, you shouldn't take every negative comment so serious, since after all it's crossfire - a flaming community. In real life though, when someone insults you severely, it can have a drastic impact on your self-esteem. Just try to do in life what you believe that you should do, after all, you only have one life to live (presumably). Then if you get shot down, die in a car accident, get a deadly disease, or whatever, you can at least say you're satisfied with the way you lived.

These days people only care about one thing, and that is their social status. People don't think/care anymore about the deeper things in life, like the origin of everything you see around you. People diss eachother, make fun of people for no obvious reason, and even kill eachother to make their own social status higher than it was before. Then, moments before they die, most of the times they start realising that they haven't lived the way they actually wanted to live, their last moments are in regret and sorrow.

I don't want to be one of those persons, that's why I live the way I think I should live. I try to keep my insults with me (although sometimes I can't withhold myself of insulting someone), and I try to ignore people insulting me (although that's really hard for me).

So, my answer to your question is:

Yes, it's worth living even though people insult eachother, simply because these days there are nearly no thinkers anymore, only social-status-whores. Just do your own thing, and you'll be fine ;)
u took drugs?
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