PC upgrade


My current system:

- Proc: AMD 2500+
- GFC: ATI 9800pro
- MEM: 768 MB ram (512 + 256, different speeds)

When I play ET (especially 6v6 and especially maps like goldrush, radar, bremen,...) I have FPS drops to 45-60 FPS. I only have ~ 36 processes running in windows while playing.. And I guess it's not spyware & virusses causing my troubles..

So I thought about a little upgrade, just to play ET properly.. nothing more!
I saw this 2nd hand advert on tweakers:

Proc: AMD Athlon 3200+ SA
Mem: Dane Elec 1GB DDR400 Kit
Mobo: MSI K7N2 Delta-ILSR

I could buy this for 85 EUR (including shipment/sending).

Now my questions are:

Would this be a worthy upgrade? Is this worth its money?
Is it too much money for the set mentioned above?
This motherboard, processor, memory fit in my system?

If not: could you guys give me some other advertentions (2nd hand) via tweakers etc from NL/BE . Processor, memory and motherboard if needed.. Fitting in my current system ofc!
I want to spend 60 / 80 euro's for a processor, memory (1GB ram or more) and if needed a motherboard!

Thanx in advance for all usefull constructive comments

EDiT: I just want stable FPS in 6v6 goldrush, radar etc! No uber shit..
new cpu ~ 50€
new RAM (2GB) ~45€ (Corsair, PC800)
Board: ~ 40€

85 euros is waste of money imo...
It's only for ET.. I don't play any other game seriously
u wont get 76fps stable with this hardware - for sure!
go for a complete system including new graphic card...otherwise u´ll upgrade again soon cause u´ll see theres no big differnece to ur old system ;)

my old system: AMD 3400+, 1GB Dualchannel (Kingston), 9800pro@XT
I never had 76 stable on radar (clanwars) or battery, fueldump (public)!
lol :s

what hardware do you have to buy then to get stable fps in each map?

The newest pro shit or what :/

LOL Worm just told me

ATI 9600xt, 2GB ram & 2.0 Ghz and stable FPS in each map ^^
cannot agree to worm since its no secret ET needs processor power not RAM! AMD 3800, 2GiG RAM & a 50€-PCI-Graphic should work
or u want to play without any textures in 600x480 resolution?
So with

the 3200+, 1,5 GIG Total (1gb new + 512 in my 2nd slot) & the new motherboard

It won't solve a lot?
With my system not overclocked ( which is similar to your upgradeset) I can get 125 fps stable. So the answer to your question is yes tbh :).
myee, seems like lot of the opinions are different ^^

I dont know what to do anymore :p

Do you think 75€ is worth it? To upgrade from 2500+ to 3200+

and from 768 MB to 1,5 Gb (1GB in the set + 512MB I already have now in 1 of my 2 slots)
why not change ur gfx card right away if your changing motherboard ... your new one will prolly have PS2 and I think your 9800pro is still AGP
no the motherboard is still AGP.. so ATI 9800 pro fits fine in it.. (my current + the one from the set I might buy)

+ I can buy a X1600 for ~ 35euros if needed (AGP)

What do you think of the price ~ 85 € for that 2nd hand set?
You think it will solve my problems?

Btw it's only to play ET stable.. nothing more.. Normally my mom gets this PC when I dump it :)
Kzou gewoon heel nieuw systeem kopen, kheb da ook gedaan jaar of 2 geleden ... Houdt u case, voeding, & HD en koopt nieuwe graka moederb & ram. Kost u wss iets rond de 350 maar dan kunde wel ff voort ...
EDiT: I just want stable FPS in 6v6 goldrush, radar etc! No uber shit..

Bwa ik wil nu gwn kleine update dak nogwa deftig ET kan spelen voorlopig, moest rtcw 2 ofzo ooit komen koop ik volledig nieuw systeem en gaat deze pc naar mij ma voor office, email etc

geen uber shit voor nu dus
buy nvidia 7900, very good agp card
wie steekt nou zen grafische kaart op zijn muis port? pci-e is wat je zocht...
nee prydz. Hij bedoelde de nieuwe pci-express(toen hij zei PS2) slots waar alle huidige moederborden mee zitten. daarom raad hij je ook aan een nieuw grafische kaart te kopen omdat er om zulke moederborden geen agp niemeer op zit. waar ik natuurlijk mee aoord ga. eengoedkoop 7 of 8 reeks geforce kaartje kan je gerust al een eind ver helpen.
allthesame4me ;)
if you want the system for ET

get at least a 3600+ to secure no fps lag along with mobo and ram ( hopefully at least pc3200 )
amd 3000+
nvidia 6600
1 gige pc3200

= 333 steady fps if needed
die moet je me echt nog een x leren :P
dunno gasten met beter pc's dan mij hebben 2 x minder fps:D
ik haal met 3500+ / 6600GT / 1gb ram ook niet altijd 100fps stabiel ...
amd werkt met skill in et, dus als je low+ bent kun je geen 100 stable fps hebben
ik speelde net 3on3 en ze zeiden dat ze me op Crossfire gingen post met wolfcam omdat ik iets te harde hs schoot :D (ja ik speelde tegen low+ wnb's met rl maat SO WHAT)
you only need a slight processor upgrade for ET i think.
I'd buy better cpu, because that's the important thing about ET
Intel e6400 c2d 2,19GHz @ 2,42Ghz, nVidia GeForce 8600 GT 256MB, 1024 800MHz

I bought these with 150euros ;o you should ask from friends or something like i did. or check Eauction places :P
I could buy a cheap dual core cpu.
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