GUYS! i need cheering up :<

Just has my practical driving test this morning yh, went bed early last night aswell. DIDNT have ANYTHING to drink last night (first time in a long time) because of mi test. Got up at like 6, showered.. shaved (lol).. got changed ready. Did an hours drive around then went to test center.

i did the test in my car coz i feel better in it rather than my instructors right. 15 minutes into it everything was going fkkin wicked! u can tell wen ur driving good, and i was.. so i was thinking "im gna piss this right through, here i come!".. then things changed :<

He told me to park up, so i did. and asked me "why is ur airbag light on?" im like.. "wtf nOob, i dno! the garage sed it ws a fault with the light, my airbag is fine init lool get skill" So the guy is being a proper arse sayin "well im afraid we will have to cancel the test because it is a saftey hazard with it being on. im sorry. u have not failed, nor have u passed."

So i had to take the fat fish bk to the center and now i have lost mi fee!! and i have to wait 3 weeks untill my next FUCKING TEST!!!!

Some1 cheer me up :< gimme a nice porn vid, or a gf for a while.. even better - A FUCKING DRIVING LICENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love and kisses - Silox

u did not just read tht in like 10 seconds?..
gf with a car > driving license
nope then your her bitch!
that sucked.

when i did my exam (3 years ago) i doublechecked everything on my car the night before.

but when i did the parking and stuff and wanted to go on the street, he noticed that the break-light on the left was broken and i had to reschedule for the 2nd part of the exam 3 weeks later.
Aww Well you win some and you lose some but you just do neither some how :o
if it was a women instructor i wanted to try impress her.. mabye use abit of charm on her ;) but it ws some fat dude
walk or use a bicycle.
lol noob you should have just driven over that asshole when he got off the car.
rofl'd :D but anyway the day will come!
:< ....at least you never failed m8, I did, twice!!! One time was for hesitating at a zebra crossing!! Better than slamming yer foot on the gas wtf!!
my test was fucking easy. Drove off the TÜV site, straight onto the motorway. Two exits later left it and went onto a big street heading back to the TÜV where I didn't even had to park: "just stop somewhere". 15 minutes and I was done :D. My driving instructor kept talking to the Poland examiner all the time, so he hardly gave me any instructions.
get a car ! :>
or make it like the polaks: steal one :)
sad story man, better luck next time
masturbate than begin drinking ur body into alcoholism and then u feel pretty well :)

but gl 4 the next time, i think on u ;)
just talk to me silox, then you will be happy

haha, unlucky :>

u'll manage next time, stupid they postpone it for that :X
omfg what a gay intructoir, fucking cunt

i feel pissed off for u
lold, nice story
Don't worry. All good drivers pass the second time, FACT!

Anyway least you never failed by apparently not stopping at a stop sign in an empty country road with the only other car going along the road I had to stop at so I had to stop still to let him past.

But no the driving instructor said I was "slowly moving" when I weren't, the fucking prick. That was almost five years ago and I've still not forgiven him the stupid nob head.
Could have been worse. I failed the first time because some fucked up bitch crashed into my car while I was waiting at the crossways :D
aaaw man you need a shoulder you can cry on :'(

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