need woork!

hey i am bored, drunked stoned etc and i wanna to draw or make smth in photoshop.. sooo if you wanna smth to made i will do it :D
some crazy *edit pink bunny? :>
lol nice nice :D add smth like fasolka is great and i will use this as my new wallpaper:D
Draw Odin in Valhalla with Hugin and Mugin (his ravens), Geri and Freki (his wolves) and Sleipnir idle next to them.

I'll pay you if it comes out wel, and I'll get it tattoed on my back ;)
hu hu hu wanna se that tattoo!
His wolves look badass there.
Trying to find some nice stuff for my backpiece tattoo :}
take a pic of spree and make a new one lol
make a, errrmmmm

A COOL THING SAYING: Hursteh :)))))
wtf is that? :O
my rl nickname ;XD
Je hebt het over India/Afrika?
nee, grammaticaal zijn jou zinnen van een zeer hoog niveau ;)
nice du verfickter hurensohn , die in car crashhhhhhhhhh+

hurensohn spast
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