
got with a nice girl last night, hot and 2 years older than me, got her number but forgot her name... she is currently called "jmj" - from txt message received i have narrowed her down to "laura" or "joanna"

plz gtfo :| why the fuck u nerds post rl shit on here? to proove something? -.-
i have nothing to prove my friend, i am just talking rubbish.. do you not have irl experiences to share or do you just talk e-related stuff
"z0mg now i have to post this to xfire so i will proove to my e-m8s that i got REAL LIFEZ0mG!!! >:DD"
plz, what would i need to prove
Yesterday, when i was going out, this girl was grabbing my ass all the time!!!!!! Now im cool and no nerd :)
why it's so annoying for u? because u never had problems like that? If u dont know the answer for his problem, just SHUT THE FUCK UP plz and go away with ur "zomg gtfo with rl problems here"
lol :DD
yes ive had that kinda probs, but i dont post them to crossfire -.-
ok and? is it forbidden to post it here?
i see u dont get my point. discussion closed.
his point is that not everyone is a boring onliner like you who has nothing to say

this is a journal, therefore it is my journal, if you dont like it, dont read journals from me.. simple
omg stfu pls xD
just call her when you think her phone is off so you'll hear her answering machine and prolly her name
haha thats good actually, i never thought of that
jmj = james johnson
so whats the prob, just call her.. no need to say hello "jenny" just talk with her..
well what if she doesn't respond the phone with "hi it's laura/joanna" because she recognizes the number that's calling her and feels it's unnecessary? :p
no, she said that he doesnt have to say "hi jenny/laura/dunno" at the beginning to talk with her
so what? i never need to use a girls name unlike i know her very well...in fact i sometimes use wrong names for purpose to make me look more important tbh :D like
"yo laura what's up?"
"hi my name is joanna!!!"
"hmm ya whateva :D"
hahaha damn pimp
ah he should just try it, if no response from her,,uhmm there r enough other girlies out there :DDD
if i assume your mobile dictionary is on, i guess her name is joanna

seeing as you use the 'm' key to write an o as well, i guess you pressed the 'j' button again by accident, actually you wanted to keep it 'jo' - nice and short

otherwise i dont know how the fuck you wanna write laura that way, at least my a isn't on the same button as my m
Could be worse, I once had an asian girl saved as 'Terry' on my phone. Not good times.
What a night ...
fortunatelly you dont remember
yesterday 2 pornstars visited me . I had a nice time , but i dont know how to contact them now.
god i love your flame :D its so elegant and pure :DD
it's true. Np4me
hhaha :D agreed with wrath
that iz nais. Make up a cute nickname for her and call her that.. she wont notice cause she will be all like... how sweeeeeet <3<3... =)
she hasnt of course registered her phone number?
yes she put her number in and gave it back to me... but when it was time for me to put in her name, all went tits up!
umm, i was talkin registered like so its registered to her name like one would have a car registered to oneself. so youd find her name as easy as you find one with a license plate #. nvm,
pretty normal
Prolly Jenna Jameson.
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