Black Problems 2 !

It still doesn't work...Original post:

Our black guy OVIE his mic suddenly stopped working.
It has been working good for a few days / weeks / whatever, but when he turned on his pc again and wanted to talk all we heard was a buzzing sound.
We can hear his music and stuff, but we can't hear his voice.

He is using VISTA !

Things he tried to solve the problem:

-Install newest drivers
-tried other headsets at that PC (didn't work either)
-Selected the button @ microphone

He also tested @ a other PC if his mic works fine there and it works fine.

Please help that nigga so we can hear him again!

laat hem kijken of hij stereo mix aan heeft staan bij zijn geluids opties.. vink deze uit en vink microfoon aan! ( dutch )
dunno how to explain this in English !

image: geluid
him lets look at if he stereo has mix to finch these at its sound options and finch microphone to!

QuoteHe is using VISTA !

there's your problem
let ovie pm
gl ovie!
Nobody with any ideas :O
Or are u just haters and don't want to help the black guy (which i fully understand ;) )
u can hear actualy every thing he is doing on his comp. if he is watching porn u can hear the voice of it and stuff right? that happened to me when i had vista , dunno how i solved it
tHx for ur help xD
Ye its exactly like that ! Plz think about how u solved it ;)

Did u format?
Did u installed xp ?
Did u do something @ configuration screen ?
i think my mic worked only on ts and not on vent.

on vent was happening shit like u describe
well i dont have it but ovie has...It's at vent yeahh..we don't use TS so... ! Did u do anything with windows or only with vent >?
windows is fine like it is :) but ask spree i think he can solve the prob
Ok and do u have any idea what u've done exactly ? So he can solve it ?
Or just post ur settings ^^
So make him check his mic @ ts ...
vent * and thats alright afaik
eh i dont have vista for sometime now (new comp wanted xp again) well i rly dont remember cuz it was long ago (when vista came out)
haha n1 reply skillz..but ok ty I'll ask spree !
pm me #crossfire RoXoR`
lol.. i have vista ..

just set mic as defaulth recorder. :s

dunno why people can't figure that out... also check vent settings :s

( and do not use direct imput becasue vista has dx10 and sound isn't integrated in 10 )

works fine for me
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