E-Sport Recommendations:
11 Feb 2008, 18:31
Pulling back from WoW, because the arena-system still fails I'd like you to suggest any (maybe new) games which are worth being played/success will be gained with a learning curve.
what about untreal tournament 3? I played the demo and it felt very smooth.
what about et:qw which should have some decent decrease in terms of spread/lag? when I played on the k-play public just one hour ago it plain sucked.
or anything completely different?
please let me here your opinions.
btw: hi2u
what about untreal tournament 3? I played the demo and it felt very smooth.
what about et:qw which should have some decent decrease in terms of spread/lag? when I played on the k-play public just one hour ago it plain sucked.
or anything completely different?
please let me here your opinions.
btw: hi2u
but yes q3 > ut3 :D
i hate to admit it but it's true.
i'm thinking of getting CoD4 and play with some irl friends
I once was into quake3 back in the days, but let's focus on "newer" games :)
(No ETQW comments now :XD)