Girl Trying Very Hard! (Dutch Allowed)

omgwhat an ugly thing
i dont know its gender...
kinda sad
she post it herself>.<
Its wrong for you to post that kind a video.
That is sad and somehow beautiful.
Yo dude. How is going? Need to do new mixes ;).

Hows pussys ?
It's only wrong to post it because people on here don't appreciate it, they'd only make stupid comments as always ¬_¬"
Tala my friend. How going? Doing what? When I gonna hear you voice on ventrilo? I really want tooo
I'm fine, np4me ^^

u mean like.. cute/sweet? or sth? :x
In spiritual way or something... ;)
tbh, it isn't that smart she did it but i don't think any of u had the balls to make a vid with that kind of lyrics while having that disease but w/e
I guess i would be that smart not to
man honestly, i rly hope u get into some carcrash where u lose both of your legs...laughing with disabled or retarded isn't funny at all
Yeah that's what i hope for too
Still I wouldn't attempt to run 100m dash then.
Tbh it's people like you who will make people like her feel like shit when she's growing up. Do you think this is funny? Seriously I dont think anyone does.... GG making fun of a retarded child and also being one. gn8

Edit: If you dont think thats funny then ignore the above :x
I don't laugh about her illness i laugh about her acting because there are also people with that illness who don't act like that and behave normal.. but its a bit hard to explain but i hope you get what i mean;)
haha, ur thinking she just wants the attention u sick fuck?
there aren't alot of ppl out there who can accept there illness so show some admiration rather than making fun of her
You aren't dutch i guess..
because if you where you would have read the tekst at the site and it sais: that she post it her self to pwn people and laugh about it herself so stfu saying im a sick basterd if she laugh about it herself.
toch wel en heb een paar comment gelezen
gast, schaam u serieus, denkt ge nu écht da da meisje zelf me haar eige lacht? die wilt gwn net zoals zoveel meisjes van haar leeftijd liedjes zingen en hoewel ze het niet/nietmeer kan blijft ze het doen of proberen...ik ben er heel zeker van dat leeftijdsgenote die ook een soortgelijke ziekte hebben daar kracht uit halen
She's just enjoying herself
finally some1 sees it 2
I laughed my ass off, it felt wrong and very good at the same time. I'm officially a bigger asshole than I was before.
your sense of humor sucks!

usually i find this kind of stuff funny if they are but this just isnt. since if her head would be straight se would look good and have normal voice :<<< hes not like this guy here!
and he doesnt have "system of down"!
not all that funny sad really, bless her
its a mask guys relax
You know her?
better than you think, without the custome she looks like this:

image: meisje
and her arm-.-'?
don't finde it funny at all..
i finde it cool to see she has fun in her life even if she looks like that!!
whos u to laugh about her?
if they'd straighten her head a bit, id fuck her
Hahahaha lmao!!!!!!!!!!!
not funny
ohhh dear i swear ill get nightmares poor women ;(
Thanks for the movie.

Now what?
omg.... sol delete my journals and dont delete this :p
i hate him! :*[
fuck you, you ruined my good day with this shit.
Looks like she has "PRIMORDIAL DWARFISM" her voice certainly sounds like it anyway.
looks like someone slept crooked.
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