killing some time until prison break

i was wondering.. how many of you never played in an international clan - only with people from your country?

i for example always played for fun only, even whilst being in serious clans and never thought about joining anything international because that's not it anymore

mix wars don't count of course

what about you? :P
even my first clan was international. 6 swiss guys and me :< couldn't understand a damn thing.
mostly international :>
with my mates (from my country)<3,international when i am serious - (lol!) and mixed wars all the time :D
Always been international.
we are very interracial in MOSFETs
only finnish clans for me
I am on your buddylist. why

Italy McT team
Finland godsinc team + Spain Wing + Hungary Future
Hungary T4ce / underscore team
Europe rbnt's clan for shgOpen :p
Europe pi 3.14
dunno. maybe for the same reason why i was on yours until you deleted all of ur buddies :z

i "knew" quite a lot of hungarian players a few years ago, maybe you are one of them

hogy vagy magyar barat
te buzi? bazd meg
this is funny :D
"How are you hungarian friend
I love you
you gay? fuck you"
I cant see the connection between these sentences :-)
because there is none :P it's just all i remember from hungarian what people taught me
<3 prison break:O <3<3<3<3<3
i just realized that i never played in other clans than german ones ! :O
KKC = Benelux
eNorma = Europe
nEGRERS.INC = Belgium + Sweden
Unlimited e-Sports = Benelux
glitz = Estonia + Belgium
Mostly international, specially UK people because they give good comms! I try to avoid playing with people who can't speak understandable english, and shy people (hi finnish people ;D)

I've never played in a team where all of the players have been from my country, closest one would be dtekt ( Sweden / Norway )
:P Maybe it's just a coincidence, but every finnish person I've been on vent with have been awful quiet =c
same goes for hungarians, i am not shy, but i have "shy" voice on vent.. fin and hun were same 'family' few 1000 years ago afaik
are we from the same family :|
I guess you are just an immigrant, based on your previous comment.
it's because they aren't comfortable pronouncing english
toxic called me Borat :p
its because everyone will tease you if you pronounce x with funny way :<
mostly estonia only, 1 german clan though
stupid reasoning... i only played a couple of times with some belgian friends. For the last 3years ive been in the same international clan, eventhough ive been asked to join others multiple tiimes. Reason being that i was having alot of fun with them and couldnt imagine being in an other clan.

So what u are saying is bullshit. I imagine u wouldnt know ofcourse, cuz u never been in an international clan.
and why exactly am i talking bullshit? what i posted is my personal opinion about what fits me and the way i had fun playing ET.. plus i asked if there is anyone similar. where is the problem
the bullshit part being that joining international clans inst "it" anymore, which was refering to "fun"
you're just in an international clan because the belgiums dont want you!
Yep, I play Romania clans only, and most Romaniaclans are also pub-only. I do mixes, but those are mainly Romania with Europe mercs.
Europe cdap/polar

Europe Quality

Europe ultimate - esports
Du är så skillad och sexig! <3
i play with belgian people :<
they are so hard to understand XD
playing with belgians doesnt count as international, it counts as interplanetair :X

GM- gestoorde mannetjes tot het einde ^_^
First I started of playing in some international teams but as my beard grew, my swedish posse started following me and today they all look up to me and say: "vArgen oh beardy almighty lead us!".

So that is that.
oh vargen almigthy!!!! YOUR WISDOM IS INFINITE!
You know me, can't stop beeing the allknowing one! But one thing I know, is that you are as equally supercool as me!
Lol i have only been in clan whit ppl from NL :D


Icbm was like mixed but we alwis use this tags
ive always been in international clans, only done mixes with people from uk
`duchties <3
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