Just at middle of the night

Who is still awake, like i am?

I have to work tomorrow today

im a bad sanda :S

image: AWAKE

me but soonish in bed.

k im in bed wtihish laptop

semesterferien ftw
bb mundus :)
nothing to do tomorrow ,so np for me ,i can stay awake :D
true , today yesterday i was sleeping till 4 pm :-s ... i can't sleep @night anymore
i tried to tell my parents when they arrived from work that i wasn't sleeping that much ..but my dad catched me while sleeping at 2 pm :/ (he had to take some pappers from home)
indeed :)
i go taking a shower now and after that.. bed!
girls are mean :( . i am going to watch tv.good night \o/
i'm a HolidayHavingBee
school @ 8:45, have to leave home @ 7:30 to get the train on time :(
high school almost over, not much to do @ school (except exams), got only 1 lesson tomorrow afternoon so np staying up late. just finished eastern promises, prolly still staying up for few hours
waiting 4 pb upload ...
Got work today too, just can't be bothered to go to sleep yet.

Sleeping is a waste of valuable time.
I could just lay down and go to sleep.

I can't take anything that ultimately controls my body, just the thought of taking sleeping pills horrifies me.
I r awake \o/
playing cod going bed goooodnight
8 week holidays for me \\O//
sleep disorder = np for me
im awake
i already have :D
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