New boots, lol!
12 Feb 2008, 19:22
Just got new norge army (or svenska) boots - they are so <33333333 & comfortable and secksi! <3
Photo taken with fucked up K750i phone cam.
Photo taken with fucked up K750i phone cam.
hi2u2 in the part of the shoes where your toe, material stronger then steal =(
size 45 :D
my boots :[]
you can break some one legs easly
lucky for me i didnt feel anything with those shoes =D
they weight less then 1 kg
and belive me after you get use to them, they rly not that heavy for you.
i was trying to lift the table, but then the other side fall on my leg
the shoes saved me some hard pains =)
vooral gothics + metallers dragen dat :D
natzi police =(((
idd :<
<Gestapo[LV]> You don't have permission to access /zivs/bildes/GESTAPO.JPG on this server.
<zivs> referesh
It's a nickname for one of teh chatters, you jewish russian ;(
thats why you are hated , chambers, chains , nazi shit , why can't you live like a normal person , fucking retarded braindamaged walking failure.
die of aids cancer mongol after this post
ill make a pic soon :)