Im off thanks for everything

image: afk
Well basicly i have got some problems the last couple of weeks. I didnt know how to handle it, and today when i got the message that something happend to my grandma i have decided to stop active ET + community work. But I will finish the last cups with BhStyle. I want to thank everybody who have played with me i really wish the best of luck to you ;).

bizkid,danL, l1th, viC was some of the best guys i have known trough out the game along with keran, lawei, butchji, jizz, vktr, crajsor, mudi, mst, h3roin, gobar + all of the iKs guys<3, danish guys and not at least the o8 guys...

I hope you keep on doing the things you do :D

I will hold a big good bye i Kannt Spall cup here in this month or the next one with some rarely big prizes :)

So good bye no more ET for me here soon, i will focus more at school and my job + h2k :)
bibuy.. gl irl !
hf @ rl!
I'm off aswell, watching some southpark bb
greet teh "rl" people from us.
bibuy ;[
i dont understand the point of these "good bye journals" you will still be alive and well (maybe not actively) post on crossfire or interwebs , and i bet you will be still playing mixes , so ngr plz
byby ;<
bibuy adiiiiiiiii
cyaaaaa adiii :( gl in rl <3 will miss ya m8 <3
seriouZ buZineZZ
gl to your grandma, and you ofc
cu in 2 weeks

all the best
great games, will miss u

gl and stuffs <3
jebem ti mater

hf ;)
buhuu so sad... plz u stop playing a fucking game so u make some heart breaking journals
dont know you personally but thanks for the cups
2 weeks and you're back.
we will missed you :(

hf doing what ever you are going to do :p
gl inrl m8.
cya bud :(
Adiii !!! I cant imagine et without you :<. But live>et, so I'm sure that you made a right choice. I think I'm going to do the same in the (near?) future :-D.
gL adi thx 4 all the moments. :>
damn adi i just recognized how much i love you. no more adi+danL+biz(+care+care+care)wars:((((
ill smoke a big joint for you m8 or 2 or 3...
bibuy adizz:+´ :'[ image: alien-smiley-134
forever in my heart bhstyler<3
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