1/2 day to find date for valentines day

friends birthday party tonight + girls + night out at student union after, must be possible...

will be the first valentines day in 4 years i will be alone :( lol

this part of the journal is the version wrath wants to read

" wrath on 13/02/08, 13:10:31 PM | Reply

lol again the lifer guy. i give you care "

friends teamspeak rc2 gathering tonight tonight + manyboys+ night in playing wow going on an adventure whilst getting drunk alone

will be the 900000th person ever to do this and i will be e-pro and earn lots of moneyz from playing ET and coming 2nd in opencup, i will tell all my e-friends i cyber with that i came 2nd and i will ask them to be my online girlfriend because i have no life and all i can do is flame others
lol again the lifer guy. i give you care.
you are very kind...
np, i edited my post for your viewing pleasure
:D::.D::::D. lOlOLolololoLOlOLOLol:D:D:D:D:D::DD:D:D

not funny :<
omgoat I has the same monitor!
its sexy :D
'nother vague cunt
btw gl hf m8 with findin a girl, wish it was that easy for me ^^
it wont be easy for me either :(
image: spreecb8

trust me, it's easier for you then it is for me ;)
cut yer hair then!! :P
I'm doubting about wether I should do it or not. One one hand, I'm in a metal band, I go to metal concerts, + I like it. But on the other hand, I also like walking around a bit fashionable, + I finally want a girl again :/
hmm.. id say cut it, remember u with more girls and shorter hair ;)
Well, u know, the girls I'd like to date are all goths/scene-girls(<3)/metalheads, but I'm just too shitty to ask them / meet em @ a club (texmex) / etc...
work on ur confidence then ;)
Being metal is cool, girls dig it.
You play WoW?
only wowscape.net baby - i wish i didnt feel bad about paying to play the real version then i would :(
It's not all that.
I won't be alone =))))

lol pick a WORSE time pls.

all ull do is waste yer money.
be happy ur alone on valentines day... it sux :( i dont need a special day to buy presents because she expects some :S i dont need a special day to say my gf that i love her... i will do that when i feel like...

fuck valentine, its like world animal day -_-'
omg, I don't rly see the connection between a day of love/sex and animals ;o

no, i mean like on valentinesday u give more attention to ur chick, and on world animal day u give more attention to ur pet ;)
Would be awesome to have your chick as your pet xD
please dont tell me u dont know where iam trying to go to :P
xD dude I'm just kidding ;)
Btw, what was up with that pm you've send me?
well, since u were banned n stuff, and ppl said u were cheating, I was like wtf, is it true?

but now I know it isn't ;)
Go to London,plenty of people you can pick up on the street who can be your date
For a price, or a bottle of Vodka. :D
my valentine always stay ZaK-
2much2read >:(
valentines day shall be spent dressed up as a mobster at a themed night at one of the clubs in the town whilst getting out my face. Going to get the head from one of them toy horses on a stick and cover it in red paint to look like the horses head from the godfather. Oh p.s. happy valentines day :D
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