Tech problem!

So if you read my journal previously you'll know im in a bit of a pickle, but ive moved on from that problem and have another one.

So I have been forced to install XP on my recovery drive, load that and load windows it is Drive D according to My Computer. However until yesterday everything worked on Drive C, then this morning magical new partions appeared with Dell Media Direct crap on there, I have checked that nothing was lost and none of the files are damaged on Drive C, but I dont want to book from Drive D because that would be mean I have to waste several hours this afternoon downloading Dell drivers to make that work.

So somehow I need to boot from Drive C now that I know its fine. You may say, Oh thats easy - Go into Bios select Drive C and increase boot priority - no the bios functions are very limited on this laptop (thanks dell)

Secondly in DOS (when i went to install windows) Drive C is actually tagged as Drive F. Somehow I need to change its tag back to C in DOS and then it will boot for me. I must change the boot path

How the fuck do I do that :(
help is afoot sir !, i do IT support

** go with option 1 **
I want to be able to make that much journals too. :)
press F8 or F11 when booting up, there should be an boot menu where you can choose... maybe its another button, just try :)
bootmenu on Dell's is usually F12
ok soz
(i got selfmade-pc :p)
FDisk can change partitionnames if I'm not mistaken.
Can you remove the D drive physically?
i read about fdisk but i dont know how to get to a command prompt part that actually accepts it
Once at DOS type "edit c:\autoexec.bat" (without the quotes).

In the autoexec.bat window locate the MSCDEX line.

Once this line has been found, if it does not have /L:x (were x is the letter of the drive) go to the end of the line and type /L:D (this example should assign the drive to D: this can be anything up to Z).

Once you have made the changes go up to file (if you do not have a mouse press Alt+F) then choose exit and say "Yes" to save the changes.

Once back at DOS type "edit c:\config.sys" (without the quotes)

In the config.sys window look for anything that says LASTDRIVE=x (were x is the last drive letter). If you do not see this line go to the very beginning of your config.sys and add LASTDRIVE=K (or the letter that you want to be the ending letter. Note this must be anything between C and Z.

Once you have made the changes go up to file (if you do not have a mouse press Alt+F) then choose exit and say "Yes" to save the changes.

Reboot computer.

this is what I could found on google, maybe it works

EDIT: other site say that you can't change volume letter of the boot drive
not finding that mscdex line unfortunately
start > programs > administrative tools > computer management

pick 'disk management' from the tree on the left then you can right-click and 'change drive letter and path' for each physical drive.
yes and u can say wheter it is a "system partition or not" ... i would have done it the same way
ur talkin bout boot priority @ bios?
Anything you can change in Disk management(start > rightclick my computer > manage > storage > diskmanagement) ??
you use to many hard words and its hard for me to read + im emo
you could modify the boot.ini which is in C:\, then by default, your computer will boot on the HD/Partition you specified there
I was posting the following :

4 drive partitions is normal for dell laptops and mediadirect is always set as c:\ tho this may well be different in windows. Dell ftl :s

If you reinstalled windows or removed a partition, this could be the cause of the problem. Dell use a dumbass utility that rewrites the mbr supposedly for easy of restoring your system upon failure. Any reinstall or partition change cripples the existing dell boot record and means the os wont boot.

Only real answer is to make a backup of all your data followed by using the dell restore feature.

Then you deleted your journal :)

A registry edit "should" restore your partitions back to normal. I cant say 100% it will work as tbh ive never tried it and it also depends on what Dell restore stuff is still active on your pc. This may result in restoring your original problem....

I tried this unfortunately it didnt work.

I'm going to format everything in the world and download a new version of XP with SP3 installed, kinda needed to format anyway just didnt have a day to lose today :(
just do it like this; chance your primary drives boot.ini file and include the installation of windows there you want to use.. when the pc starts it will ask you what windows you want to use.. And about modigying the boot.ini when you open the file it should be cuite easy to figure out what to add and how.
msconfig could help you there also.
Try running msconfig, and changing boot options that way.
had the same with a "One"-PC after installing the 4th HDD
I removed 2 of ´em...recreated (DOS operation) the boot.ini via fdisk (or was it checkdisk?)...and it worked like before
Theres a possibilty that fixing the boot path, and master boot record will solve it.

Xp disc in, boot from like ur gonna format, press r to go into the recovery console, enter your admin pass (if you never set one, just press enter wen prompt'd ;)) and type "fixboot", and then "fixmbr".

oh - you did.. i cba to type it sorry mate :\
jaja stage he, kut klusjes doen en je vervelen :D

maja ik help liever mensen dan dat ik emt die ktu klusjes bezig ben hier :D
ask perfoboy
r-mouseclick 'my computer' > properties > TAB: advanced > Boot & Rebootsettings > Show list of o/s when booting

I have dutch winXP, dunno the exact names in english. gl!
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