building my pc

i'm building my new pc but it appears to be that i got myself into a situation which most of you retards in here would call " LOL SELFOWNED " .. ANYYYYYYYYYYHOW:

i've installed my mobo (with ram,gfx and cpu on it ofc) + my psu but there's this wire saying "CPU 1".. my psu is in the bottom of my case (antec 900) and it seems like the cable from psu to moboconnector (the connector to get some Volts to your cpu) is too short...

also i have this psu cable with SATA1, SATA2 and SATA3 on it.. which one should i plug into my hdd :G

i'd say: good luck!
i'd say: i dont have a shit about it o_O
told you you should let them do it in the store and not do it by urself, selfowner :DD

mayb put the video card in the RAMplace n stuff :d
u fucking dikke moeder spastekop
:D D:D//D:d:dDD
ask p_r_o
get a other molux stekker to make it longer.. It doesn't mater what cable you put in your hdd :D
sata1 but any that reach tbh!
never heard/seen a case that has the psu in the bottom of it.. let alone the wire not being long enough..
ask B0B teh builder, he can fix it
idk... pix?
omg lol i have my psu in bottom np with cable but if u did buy crap psu u might have to find some extension cable? i suppose u mean the bigass 16pin connector between mobo and psu
no it's the 12V cable with like.. 4? pins used to give power to you your processor...
extensioncable or buy real psu :P
thahaha, strijkgaan :DDDDDDDDDDD
hou maar u bakkes kris bruin
da noemen ze nu is "Own3d"
ga naar of nationaal cumputer forum ofzo! maak een account en maak daar een topic die mensen daar weten alles xD gl jetro!
ik hoop dat die 't' voor hahaha nie is van u generalchat bind in ET :D
put magnet on mobo
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