Tim Wiese loves penalties

Anyone remembering Bayern Munich against Werder Bremen on Sunday? Yes, the result was 1-1, but the most discussed topics afterwards were several offside positions and the penalty for Bayern. Luca Toni, world champion with Italy in 2006, missed a penalty in the first half and made the goalkeeper of Bremen, Tim Wiese, to one of the big winners of Sunday's match.
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Just three days later, Werder Bremen has today their next official match in the UEFA Cup. The first half is already over and the result is currently Bremen 2 and Braga 0. But the biggest curiosity has been done once again by Tim Wiese. The German goalkeeper, who is not on the list of possible goalkeppers for Germanys European Championship lineup, had two new 1on1 situations. And guess what happened! Yes, the 27-year old German has also won this two penalty situations. He made already an unforgettable chapter in his life and is on a good way to make history tonight. 45 minutes left, time enough for at least one more penalty ;)
he's an animal!!
Thanks for the information
Nice journal, thx.
maybe more like uhuhuhuhuhuhhuhu ugaugaugauga or whatever o;
bremen fan^^
ich? never ..
BVB till i die ;)
ich erinnere gern an den patzer in der champions league :)
wie man auf die idee kommen kann nem torwart n rosanes trikot zu verpassen is mir bis heute n rätsel
hab ich mich auch gefragt als ich das gesehen hab :D
Ich finds cool 8)
naja, lässt ihn halt wie so ein türkenplaya oder wie man die auch immer nennt aussehen
da müsste man nurnoch "FAIL" hinschreiben xDDD
passiert auch nur in bremen!
good game
great game, enjoyed it!
immer zwichen gut und grausig
und das trikot is einfach komisch
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