suspicious synoptek

im still looking for people to play a war once in a while, im sick of mercing on irc
(just some mixteam with activity on clanbase or a cup once in a while would be perfect)
thx bibuy

zzz side infoz

i got myself a webcam wiieeh (its such a shitty one ,you wouldnt have a clue lol).. should i make a€ myspace profile now ? ;<

some more infoz

is it done by mouse or this kind of drawing pad?
i'm intriged by the skills he has.

flame on please

edit lololol image: synoptekfn1
Its in photoshop with mouse. I think theres a program that gives heavy lines the longer you hold a button down.
It's a tablet m8 ;)
join us ;d
ffs even with tablet this is pretty damn impressive!
GL synoptek
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