Hb to me!!!

Member For: 1 year and 0 days

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HB! 1ST!

hi uniq :> 1 year old, and you dont look a day over 6 months :)
me <- member for 2 years by tomorrow :O
you registered on valentine? damn nolifer :P
hehehe ;DDDDDDDD
hahaha :DDD
gratz o:
k its obviously who's retard here in this journal....congratz its you!
hb igor xDDDDDddd
lol shitler show pic on you wont you? and I bet I look much better then you little prick. And since when is Crossfire a fucking dating community? Pathetic looser :<
Dude 1 : stop making your fintard smiyles

2 : we were supposed to look like that for an volleyboll competiton @ school

3 : Age: "21" Acting like a 10 year old kid..we dont need shitheads like u in this community so you should get a life and gtfo the internet
Your arguments are meaningsless so please gtfo
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