dear azz0r

hi all

just to inform you who were worried a bit about azzor's condition, he's doing really well

this photo was taken during his vacation last week

he even has a nice date for tonight with hasan !

image: dsc00243fr5
what happened to him :o ?
it's winter => vacation?=snowvacation! + chair = ??? ;p
Spir power tbh, I saved you know but don't think i'll always do this
OMG m1lk <3 GL azzor with (dutch) revalidatie en zo !!(/dutch)
what happened to him :o ?
are you shitting me?
Azz0r :o noes =(
nice bling bling on the wheels :>
Keep it English guys
date with hasan? gAY?
gl with revalidation azz0r!
je ziet er snel uit in zon stoeletje!!
ty guys!
Wheelchairboy op tournee!
no way :O get well soon d00d.
sry azzor ma die picture doet me lachen :D veel beterschap m8 en remember, lenzen forever e
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